forum advice?
Started by @Bluestar5

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So this summer I have the opportunity to go to my Aunt's house for a week and a half. I love my aunt so much and shes really nice to me. I'm really bad at talking to adults though and it always feels so awkward for me. Shes going to be out for a couple hours everyday for work and its just going to be me and my uncle-which is even more awkward. Also I really enjoy just sitting at home and literally doing nothing for the beginning of summer, but my aunt wants to go to some places that arent really my thing. I want to show how much I appreciate her and what she does for me by going, though. Another problem is she lives 8 hrs away so i have to drive with my dad for 8hrs and he doesnt let me listen to music with earbuds or watch movies or anything, and i dont like his music taste. Also, as soon as I get back I would have to pack again to go to the beach 2 days later and I dont want things to be too hectic. And (ik this sounds stupid but) my pet is literally my best friend and I hate leaving her cause she doesnt like the rest of my family. But also, my aunt is way less strict than my parents so Im pretty much able to do whatever I want when I go… Idk whether to go or not

So heres a summed down pros and cons list:

Freedom all day
Have the ability to go places instead of being inside all day
Get to know my aunt better
Show appreciation to my aunt
Probably go shopping for new stuff

Super awkward
Cant do everything I could at home
8hr drive with my dad
Leaving for beach right after
Leaving my pet
Going out instead of relaxing

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

well, I have dealt with this before and this is how I made it work:

If things start to get awkward, either leave the room or mention something they obviously know more about than you and they enjoy; then ask them to explain more. You don't have to talk, but there is still interaction.

For the drive; I would just ignore the dad, or if he talks to you, simply try to answer fully. The ride can get awkward, so try to find something to do that will keep him from talking to you.

If you think you shouldn't go because you'll have to leave for the beach soon after, you have to be able to communicate this. Perhaps you would only go to your aunt's for a week, or you'll be able to pack another bag and leave it at home; then, you just have to move the essentials from the first bag to the second.

Going out can be relaxing, but if you have a day when you cannot bring yourself to leave the house, don't. It will just be hard on everyone.

About the pet…
I got nothing. Sorry.

@Pickles group

Hmm…. I would go. It could be a fun experience and put you outside your comfort zone. and you could do research if you ever want to write about going to those places or someone in a similar situation. And you would probably have at least a little time to relax when you get back from going to the places and before you leave. It would probably be less boring, too. But that's just me