forum Add a deep meaning/story (Game)
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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This is a game I play with my best friend often, I'm bringing it here because it might be fun for some people or even help get your creativity flowing.

Basically how it works is I'm going to attempt to post one photo a day and you guys make up some "deep meanings" or stories behind it.

…For example, here's a painting I found on the internet.

You would come up with your own stories behind it, even if they're ridiculous, overthought, unrelated, and make no sense. One person might say "The painting is an abstract expression of life itself, it has its darks but they're perfectly countered by the lights. There's not always a smooth path between them, it's a bumpy ride to get to happiness. But overall when brought together, it's a truly beautiful existence" while another might claim "it's a story of a tortured, sad life. There are blue skies and bright colors here and there, but there's no escaping the dark bloody reds as war raged on".

…This is all just for fun, so don't worry about your story having anything in common with the picture or being even slightly comparable to the real world. This game started when I saw a blank white canvas with a really dumb meaning being sold for thousands on the internet, and it eventually became a joke with my friend. That's all it is.

(I'll post the next picture tomorrow but until then, you all have fun with the example one.)

Deleted user

It's obvi an aliens plan for destroying the human race in code, duh.


Is the crime scen of a murder, the blue is the fairy´s blodd and the red it´s human, tha question isn´t who killed who? but, how did a Human manege to get a fairy killed and then die, whe the thing is that if you manege to kill a fairy you wont be able to die, so… what happend?

@Knight-Shives group

That is the visual representation of the destruction of our world. So basically it is telling the story of the Color drainage issue of 2910. We have used colors so much that we completely drained the world of color.

@Starfast group

It obviously represents the artist's inner conflict. The contrasting colours are meant to show us that the artist is wanting two very different things, and can't have them both. Because the red is the more dominant colour, we know that it red tones are meant to represent the artist's frustrations that are taking over his or her life as a result of this struggle, leaving little room for any inner peace which is represented by the blue.

That was the most pretentious thing I've ever written. *sips wine*


It's the stolen eye of the Bunion, staring out upon any onlookers with a hunger only one night of hunting under the full moon can stave. Don't believe me? That red surrounding it is the blood of its victims; dried, cracking, ready for another layer of that thick human life juice to quench its thorst.


I must not be very creative bc I can't find meaning in these paintings, please help

Here's some inspiration to help you come up with incredible, deepmeanings that make total sense and aren't dumb in the slightest

@Mercury Beta Tester

Depressed emo kid films video from inside a wardrobe. He tries to act edgy and condescending about other people's work in order to hide his inferiority complex and shame of not being a good artist or having a fulfilling life like the parents or pet owners.

(Did I do it right?)


That painting is the descent to hell. Demon hands are reaching out, blood pours down the walls. It represents a downward spiral into sin.

Yeah. That's all I got out of the most recent painting.