forum Accents (Game?)
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 12 followers


Also, aside from the stereotypes that Americans use for Canadian accents and Canadians imitating those stereotypes, I have never actually heard a Canadian talk that way.


Fun fact from a Canadian: There is actually some Canadian accents like theres a specific Canadian hockey player accent and stuff but the stereotypical accent people think Canadians have isn't correct

@HighPockets group

I'd say that Lex has kind of a deeper voice and a sort of deadpan sarcasm delivery.
Shuri has a fairly deep voice, a bit gravelly.
Emi has a soft-ish voice, slight North East accent.

What do you think mine is?


….Not really hehehe, but yes Australian accent
I have a somewhat deep voice (for a female) but I can change my pitch a lot


I'd say that Lex has kind of a deeper voice and a sort of deadpan sarcasm delivery.
Shuri has a fairly deep voice, a bit gravelly.
Emi has a soft-ish voice, slight North East accent.

What do you think mine is?

Not too deep, yeah, kinda gravelly… If I put a bit more gravel in it I can do a Dean impression!

@HighPockets group

….Not really hehehe, but yes Australian accent
I have a somewhat deep voice (for a female) but I can change my pitch a lot

My voice is like medium-low maybe? I'm not really sure. Probably a solid medium.