forum about disability- discussions, and a few rants
Started by @thehobbit

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I need to rant about a thing
To understand, you should look closely at this ableist comment my writing professor made the other day that pissed me off,
"not everyone is made for college but everyone can do college"

this may come to a surprise to some able bodied people with no exposure to disability but there are some people who can't get through college and a lot of them have disabilities, mental or physical, or are experiencing other life circumstances that are going to prevent them from succeeding in college
AND I COULD'VE BEEN ONE OF THEM if I hadn't grown as much as a person this last summer I KNOW that I wouldn't be able to be in college like I am right now. I wouldn't have been able to get through this last semester. I wouldn't have friends or be doing as well in my classes and like, there are a lot of people that are autistic like me and that CAN'T get through college, no matter how hard they try and how much they study and how good they are in school because they just cant thrive socially and don't know how to advocate for themselves and talk to their professors.
And it scares me that i'm being fed this mentality of the certainty of my success if I can only push myself hard enough because if I push myself too hard i'm going to burnout and I wont be able to succeed because of that and its just so detrimental to students with disabilities that he would say something like that and of course he doesn't know what he's saying or think what he's saying could be doing any harm but he just doesn't know and it was so hard for me to just sit there and not say anything because it was the end of class and I wanted to leave and just ;ashsk;gjbk;adjbgklfhdbhgisbihgisuhdigbfpiu


i was pissed
it just is so frustrating to me that some people can br so ignorant but then again ive grown up with and around disability my whole life so that perspective comes naturally to me and just I want to say stuff and raise awareness and understanding but its hard to have a good conversation surrounding that when im pissed off so what do I do? I rant about it on the internet…… i hAvE sUcH GoOd StReSs MaNaGeMenT sKilLs


he wasnt directing it at me or at anyone he was trying to give us a pep talk for finals week and I probably took it a little to personally
he retired last year and came beck because our teacher quit two weeks before school started so he's old and holds older opinions and ideas about the world and i really should take what he says with a grain of salt but its so hard when im constantly around people who dont understand my struggles and then perpetuate the mindsets that I adopted that caused me to struggle in the first palce


well, yeah, but its not like he KNOWS im disabled or like he knows my life story, ive only written about being autistic in two….. no one piece, and I JUST (literally last friday) turned that in and he hasnt read that yet so he has no idea
that mindset also just tends to me the mindset of most people who arent disabled or havent had disability affect their life, they dont understand that sometimes it's literally a struggle to get out of bed and its not because im lazy, its because of factors that I cant control. Others dont get that, theyve been raised on the mindset that here in America if you work hard and put your mind to it you can do absolutely anything and they have grown up with the idea of the American dream being thrown in their face and seeing story after story on the news of people just you know working hard to build this crazy company or whatever. this is the mindset that America has been built on and living out and instilling into the population for GENERATIONS its not like its something that's going to go away overnight.
bu that doesnt mean its not damaging or that its inexcusable for someone to say those things. It is damaging to a lot of people, I mean look at High School, need I say more? the entire system is built the same way our country is, look at what older generations are saying to millenials, or what older generations in america have been saying for years. its all, "work hard enough and study enough and you'll get good grades. and You young whippersnappers are just being lazy and not getting jobs." and all this other damaging and insulting and frustrating crap. its a thing our society forces into us at a young age and its just……….. this got out of hand quickly but do you get my point? how this mindset is damaging and where it comes from and how much it pisses me off that it hasnt died yet?? like, just uuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!

end rant


sorry, this got off topic real fast but i feel like its one of the major problems in society right now and it effects everyone, it just can be a lot more damaging for people with disabilities and mental illnesses and the like and it pisses me off that no one has really said much on it.