forum (A very over used question) Is Thanksgiving a holiday?
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

Me and my brother have always argued about Thanksgiving being a holiday, and I think it is. I want other opinions and junk so yeah.

@HighPockets group

It's a holiday in the U.S. and I think Canada has one too? I enjoy it because I get to eat a crapton of comfort foods, watch the parade on TV, and then go to our local rotary lights display!!

@Mojack group

It's a holiday in the U.S. and I think Canada has one too? I enjoy it because I get to eat a crapton of comfort foods, watch the parade on TV, and then go to our local rotary lights display!!

yup, we have it too!

Deleted user

No, we just sacrifice a turkey and eat hash browns as an everyday thing! :D


it is a holiday, but i think it's worthless because it's literally just a normal day.

I would feel that way, but I get to see relatives I don't get to see everyday.