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Pro-life vs Pro-choice is the current battle a lot of us face.
What if I say only a minority of people who claim to be pro-life are really promoting life?
There's a difference between not supporting or thinking abortion is moral and being pro-life.
And I am in no way telling you that being pro-life is wrong.
On the contrary, I'm showing you how being pro-life and just thinking abortion is wrong differ.
You are not pro-life if you believe suicide is a joke, if you refuse to help or acknowledge those with suicidal and self-harm difficulties, and are not sympathetic to the pain the victim went through.
If you are someone who thinks mental illnesses are fake and denies giving someone help, you are not pro-life.
A person who supports the killing and oppression of a certain race/group/ethnicity is not pro-life.
A person who refuses to at the least listen to another side's view is not pro-life, nor is a person who isn't respectful with their point of view.
Forcing your morals onto someone else to the point of indoctrination isn't promoting life.
Being a parent of a child but neglecting them, caring more for some stranger's unborn fetus more than your own breathing child with a working cognition is not promoting life.
Being unable to accept terms where an unborn baby has to die as a last resort, as in cancer, illness, or death that may render the parent unable to care for the kid, and possibly other kids that parent may have, is not promoting life.
Supporting rape, allowing the fines against a rapist to be less than that of a person who performs or has an abortion, is the opposite of supporting life.
Outlawing the choice of getting an abortion, even in critical circumstances, resulting in the death of women and the fetus you want to protect, is not supporting life.
Sending women to jail who have received an abortion in states that it is outlawed and taking away their kids who are in a perfectly good home to place them in the foster-care system, is not supporting life.
Killing or oppressing a woman who had an abortion is, once more, not supporting life.
All of the above is just being Pro-death, or as I like to say it, Pro-asshole.
And the same could be said for the oppressive side of the Pro-choice movement, but that's a discussion for another day.
Thank you for listening to me ramble, and nothing I said was meant to offend anyone on either party, only bring out the hypocrisy of the current Pro-life system as I see it. :)