forum A Sci-Fi Related Question
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As I continue to work on my own piece of sci-fi literature, I often challenge myself by introducing more complex aspects of our real world to give the story more depth. One aspect I considered, in particular, is our planet's variety of environments. I always found it strange how in many pieces sci-fi media a planet inhabitable by humans is just one large environment. Take Tatooine, for example. Tatooine is just one large desert. When I realized this, I did some minimal research, thinking to myself: "The entire planet of Tatooine can't be just one large desert, right?"
I was wrong.
Ice planet, green planet, water planet. It feels like New Super Mario Bros. where the different worlds are based on the same generic types of environments.
Do any of you know of any sci-fi's that have a planet inhabitable by humans, that isn't Earth and has more than one type of environment?


In my sci-fi… There are multiple environments on most planets… Having a planet consisting of one environment is only really ever seen in crapsack refugee and colony planets…