forum A Roleplayer’s Lament (aka a safe space to rant about your roleplaying pet peeves)
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@RhysTheFirebird group

Oddly specific but I like loose and implied turn orders
Like I like when people usually wait for the full cycle but break it when necessary
it's specific it's intricate but when it works it works rlly nicely



Lack of effort in responses/one word responses. I'm guilty of not always writing long responses here, but being given one word is frustrating. I don't mind a short paragraph, but please send more than a sentence. Oh, and insistence on role playing with asterisks instead of with normal narration and quotation marks for dialogue, which I have also been guilty of at some point when I first started out in 2018.

Also, while not on here, someone making a request to rp and then ghosting me gets so annoying. I rarely role play on here because I focus heavily on Danganronpa, which is not a major fandom on this site (also because many role plays are group role plays and my social anxiety will not let me properly partake in them), but it gets very frustrating. Those are really my main issues with role playing these days.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

But yes! Pro’s and Cons for sure! But it is reasonable to ask them to wait so I can get some sleep

Now if I’m gone for a long time with no word, I don’t really care bc I didn’t communicate so it’s my fault then. But a single day wait? pfft-

bows out breath I’m too passionate about this

To be clear- I didn't say this one earlier because I was afraid you would feel targeted- but turn orders and holding up the pace of a group rp with them are a pet peeve of mine.
Im not trying to argue though- this is a safe space, and youre completely entitled to your opinions, just as I am to mine

and also I value our friendship too much cuz I think we're both passionate about this and it wouldn't be pretty but i like you Rhys!

@RhysTheFirebird group

To be clear- I didn't say this one earlier because I was afraid you would feel targeted- but turn orders and holding up the pace of a group rp with them are a pet peeve of mine.
Im not trying to argue though- this is a safe space, and youre completely entitled to your opinions, just as I am to mine

and also I value our friendship too much cuz I think we're both passionate about this and it wouldn't be pretty but i like you Rhys!

More over, I’ve just had bad experiences in not having posting orders.
Though, I’m in a few now without any specified ones and it’s okay.
Just that I get overwhelmed super easily, and stuff can happen.
Even if there’s no strict posting order, I do appreciate the ‘Oh, she’s not even online or posting anything, lets wait a little bit to see what’s up’ yk?
Like, I totally understand if you keep going without me, it’s the part where they don’t wait at all that frustrates me.

No, I don’t at all, I honestly love conversations like this- or debates lol. No worries from me :) I’m too chill a person to get mad. Funny story, I’ve only gotten mad once online and I have been in the world of social media for a while now. ANd let’s just say. .. it took a lot to get me that mad- sighs :)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

No, I don’t at all, I honestly love conversations like this- or debates lol. No worries from me :) I’m too chill a person to get mad. Funny story, I’ve only gotten mad once online and I have been in the world of social media for a while now. ANd let’s just say. .. it took a lot to get me that mad- sighs :)

I'm sure this is all true, but in the spirit of not turning this into a space to debate each other's pet peeves and RP styles, Ima leave it alone :)

@RhysTheFirebird group

I'm sure this is all true, but in the spirit of not turning this into a space to debate each other's pet peeves and RP styles, Ima leave it alone :)

:) See y’a, Gramps!


When rps die before they even start.
I'll have so many great ideas and be really passionate about it, someone will say they want to join, our writing styles match, and then jt just never takes off past the first response. Or first few responses. Or even the character sheets

Deleted user

When rps die before they even start.
I'll have so many great ideas and be really passionate about it, someone will say they want to join, our writing styles match, and then jt just never takes off past the first response. Or first few responses. Or even the character sheets

This 😭😭 there have been times when we don't even get to character sheets.. it's annoying
when that happens I feel like they never wanted to let me into it (if it's oxo) and they were just being polite, that's definitely me being anxious and stuff but it's very very very annoying generally

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

OK so. Nobody hate me.
I'm apparently just an incredibly selfish human being XP

But yet another pet peeve of mine is that sinking feeling when you're joining a group rp, and you see that one person whose style you don't jive with, or who you just know is going to be the reason the rp dies, ask to join.

Im also about 103.7% sure I've been that person before, which makes it more annoying XD

@RhysTheFirebird group

OK so. Nobody hate me.
I'm apparently just an incredibly selfish human being XP

But yet another pet peeve of mine is that sinking feeling when you're joining a group rp, and you see that one person whose style you don't jive with, or who you just know is going to be the reason the rp dies, ask to join.

Im also about 103.7% sure I've been that person before, which makes it more annoying XD

sighs i know that feeling. . .
I’m typically the reason it dies sobs
But mostly cause I forget. . .
I jive with plenty of styles. The only one I don’t (le gaspe another pet peeve) is when they refer to their character in the first person. . .


Another pet peeve is when like the person I'm rping with does something that give me second hand embarrassment. Like, I might quit an rp over that depending on bad it is. And I don't mean like, oh its in character for your oc. Like that's different. But like when they do something so out of character you just cringe

@RhysTheFirebird group

Another pet peeve is when like the person I'm rping with does something that give me second hand embarrassment. Like, I might quit an rp over that depending on bad it is. And I don't mean like, oh its in character for your oc. Like that's different. But like when they do something so out of character you just cringe

Oh, yes. . .

Deleted user

OK so. Nobody hate me.
I'm apparently just an incredibly selfish human being XP

But yet another pet peeve of mine is that sinking feeling when you're joining a group rp, and you see that one person whose style you don't jive with, or who you just know is going to be the reason the rp dies, ask to join.

Im also about 103.7% sure I've been that person before, which makes it more annoying XD

We're selfish human beings together because that's SO me

Deleted user

this will sound extremely dumb. but using all caps for dialogue that it doesn't fit into. Like unless they're screaming at the top of their lungs I think it looks extremely informal and it makes something in my brain go hrgrhhgsmshdhshsm
So small and for me not worth ditching an rp or anything over but it just makes me go a little rabid and feral in the not good way

Deleted user

Same 😭😭😭😭 like aughgh. It's hard turning them away when it's up to you but it's harder watching them get in when you're not

@Null-Gravity language

4) Not Communicating (guilty); People who vanish without a trace. If it’s in your bio that you do that, I don’t consider it ‘without a teace’ because you said you do. And that’s technically communicating. I know people AP have real lives (unlike me), but please do try to say ‘hey, I!ma be gone’

I promise, I do have it in my bio- I do disappear for long periods of time.

It (probably) wasn't directed entirely at me, since I did also kinda say I was going to be not roleplaying for a bit at some point in the Chicken Chat-

But I am genuinely sorry about disappearing.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

I'm apparently just an incredibly selfish human being XP

But yet another pet peeve of mine is that sinking feeling when you're joining a group rp, and you see that one person whose style you don't jive with, or who you just know is going to be the reason the rp dies, ask to join.
Im also about 103.7% sure I've been that person before, which makes it more annoying XD

We're selfish human beings together because that's SO me

I have definitely been that person for you specifically, Lemon :/ Sorry about that

@RhysTheFirebird group

4) Not Communicating (guilty); People who vanish without a trace. If it’s in your bio that you do that, I don’t consider it ‘without a teace’ because you said you do. And that’s technically communicating. I know people AP have real lives (unlike me), but please do try to say ‘hey, I!ma be gone’

I promise, I do have it in my bio- I do disappear for long periods of time.

It (probably) wasn't directed entirely at me, since I did also kinda say I was going to be not roleplaying for a bit at some point in the Chicken Chat-

But I am genuinely sorry about disappearing.

Naw, not you. I always read people’s bio’s before I bug them.
(Unless you’re Davadio, then I just bug you for the sake of bugging you /j)