forum A PSA from Carrots
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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Hey guys, so I'm putting this here for anyone who cares but it's mainly for the people I role-play with.

So, I'd like to say sorry for being so slow with most of them recently. I'm under a lot of stress with school (It's NAPLAN week so it doesn't help me at all), some family issues and also general mental health not being the best right now.

I'm in quite a few role plays but I can only afford to reply to a couple at one time so I'm sorry if you see me active but not replying to our thread if we have one. I always reply before I go to bed after I've done homework but school is up my ass so it's hard to reply then and I can only get to a couple at one time. It doesn't help that my electives are all hands on so I can't access a device often.

So again, I'm sorry, I'll try and reply quicker but I can't make any promises.


Deleted user

Don't worry about it too much Carrots!! I'm honored that you make time for the roleplays, but honestly I'd rather you be able to succeed in school and real life than write a couple of romances with me. I wish you luck in exams! (And seriously, no pressure on replying okay?)