forum A message from a friend..
Started by @basil_

people_alt 3 followers

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I’m glad that she’s okay… I hope she can return some day…

Deleted user

Okay then! Tell her that I miss her please? And play her a high high G to show that I care, and that I’m there even though I’m on the internet and actually not that far away.

Deleted user

And show her the first Episode of Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail is special to me, and I want others to experience it.

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Okay! Have a great one Kmart and remember NaLu for life or kill me.

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Someone is going to start watching just because they looked up NaLu and feel in love with it.

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You do? But I kind of named it to be the best ship in exsistance. But it is one of them! It is best fiction ship!