forum A Message for @othyrword
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Deleted user

Hey so

A while back I made a post about my friend @othyrword who suddenly deleted their account.

I’ve been really concerned because beforehand they were really stressed out and they seemed really unhappy.

So if you, @othyrword, made another account to renew the loss of the other (idk) I just wanted to say that there hasn’t been a day passing that I haven’t been concerned or missed you. You were a really great online friend and I feel like I really bonded with you. I hope you’re okay and well, and I hope the debating went well. Love you and I wish a wonderful rest of your life. And hey, if you are here, maybe we could continue our RP, yeah? 💕

@HighPockets group

Yeah, if you're on here, I really miss your contributions to the 'Characters as Tumblr Posts' chat, they were really good! You were amazing and you are missed!