forum A little Thanksgiving wisdom
Started by @NobleWolf

people_alt 3 followers


So today's Thanksgiving, as we all know. It's the time to be grateful for what we have, and it's also the time to be kind to others. So you can imagine my surprise when I said Happy Thanksgiving to the family and didn't hear any back. I'm not trying to whine or place blame because I can see they're all super busy with the food and I love them and all, and the experience taught me something:

Don't wait for someone to greet you in order to greet them back. Be the first to say Happy Thanksgiving, or Merry Christmas, or even just a simple hello. Because you never know, that person may be having a bad day, and your words could be just the thing that turns it around for them. So be sure to tell everyone you meet today, "Happy Thanksgiving!" You might become the person they're most thankful for.

So, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Idk why, but i thought you guys had thanksgiving on like the 30th nov. or smthn..

nah it's the 3rd thursday of november