forum A Goodbye, For Now....
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 8 followers

Deleted user

Heya…. yeah… I cant be on Notebook anymore…. my home life is getting pretty rough. For my protection and the protection of my friends, im going to be leaving this site for one to three weeks.
I'm very sorry guys… I'll be back as soon as i can. I promise.
A special goodbye to Torin, Mari/Addi, Emi, Elliot, Winter and Elias, Goldy/Ni-ni, PPT, and Kmart. I'll miss you guys. ;~;
Goodbye ya'll….


Well shit, man. I'm sorry things are getting bad for you, but I know you can make it through this. I believe in you! Best of luck and I hope your situation begins to improve soon.

Deleted user

Oh no! Bye Connie! We will miss you! We will always be here for you!!!!! * Sends virtual hug*