forum a fun psa
Started by @kat_i_am

people_alt 44 followers


did you know that if you're proficient in coding (eg making words bold, italic, varying sizes, making headers, etc) you are proficient in the markup coding language known as markdown?
go ahead and put THAT on your resumes babes

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Okay this is actually really useful information for my Career management class. Thank you, goodnight/day/life.

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Fun and useful fact:
You can make a budget using the entry-level salary for your aspiring career to predict your future financial status; with the correct information and template, you can calculate it in fifteen to twenty minutes.

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When buying a house, you save 20% of the total cost for the downpayment to place on the house using credit.
An example:
$189,000 house has a downpayment of $37,800.

If I'm correct that is.