forum A Formal Apology to Everyone I've Hurt
Started by @zillakami-said-acab

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I am probably the worst person on here, so here we go:
Lee+Co for not letting it go. It was a brief moment of stupidity.
Death Man: We should have been more accepting, but mostly me. I was so mean to you by saying I felt like a bad person about the… thing
@Shuri-the-devil-prince for not giving thoughtful responses to your inspiration
kaiden for giving attention to the bad comments.
@EIS-EllaDraws for ruining the venting space. I made so much drama for everyone and I made everyone hate me.
Everyone on the LGBTQ chat. That was my big asshole moment and it made everyone hate me.

Deleted user

Starlight, don’t say things like that. No one on this website is bad! We’re a family, we stick together no matter what, no matter how much we argue, disagree, we always find time to sit down, compliment, be kind, and even be able to help each other!
I’m glad you apologized, it takes heart to apologize for mistakes.
We’re friends (even though I haven’t known you for long) and I respect everyone on here equally! (Except Emi, I love her no homo.) So don’t keep beating yourself up, you’re strong!