forum A Farewell For Now.
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

Wassup peeps (and sneks),

I just wanna let anybody that knows me or interacts with me that I will be taking a break from for a few weeks. I have been getting stressed (and feeling nauseous) lately on here, and let's face it, we all get sidetracked ALOT on here!

So, I won't be on as often (maybe check up on friends once or twice) because I also have a busy schedule coming up. So I just want to say goodbye and that I will be back sometime in July.

Deleted user

I'll still be on today and maybe tomorrow, but probably not from Monday on.


Whhhhaaaaaa……..dooooooooooon't goooooooooooooooooo
But in all seriousness, I understand completely. I had to do that a few weeks ago and it really helped me re-prioritize my life and such.

Deleted user

I'll still check up on here sometimes. And if you ever need to talk to me and I'm not on, try notifying my sis to let me know!

Deleted user

I'm having to take my drivers ed and summer swimming lessons real soon and they can be all day events.