forum A couple helpful things...
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 2 followers

@Starfast group

I like that 16 personalities one, and I've taken it with some of my characters. I have most of their results somewhere on my computer.

As for the other one, I much prefer this test for testing if my characters are Mary Sues

The one that you posted wasn't bad per se, but it seemed to be really geared more towards OCs used in fanfictions which could probably skew your results if your character isn't that. Plus some of the questions were very vague, like one of them was just "is your character OP" that's pretty subjective… there's probably better ways to word that question. I feel like a lot of people who have overpowered characters would just hit no anyways. And not to mention the last "question" was literally useless.