I was always a paranoid kid. Maybe I got it from my mom, maybe it was something else. I used to watch all of those fake "Top 10 photos that can't be explained" type of videos, and it really freaked me out. You see, I slept next to a big window in my room that I shared with two of my brothers. I was the oldest in the room, so I usually stayed up late reading or whatever. I always felt so safe with my lamp on, but the instant it was off, I was absolutely sure that something would come from under my bed, or jump through the window and get me…
It kinda melted away after I moved though, until I started watching these godforsaken videos. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome content that I absolutely adore. But all the time, I'm up late and I check around every dark corner and avoid every window. The videos and images I see every day haunt my night mind. The grotesque, smiling face of Momo is burned into my eyes, the eerie image of Blank Room Soup is ingrained in my conscience. I can't stop diving deeper, deeper into the dark every day of my waking life. But the thrill of knowledge and secrets lure me further. Because the more I know, the more paranoid I am, the more prepared I can be.