forum A comment upon creepy YouTube channels
Started by @Mindful_Bison

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I was always a paranoid kid. Maybe I got it from my mom, maybe it was something else. I used to watch all of those fake "Top 10 photos that can't be explained" type of videos, and it really freaked me out. You see, I slept next to a big window in my room that I shared with two of my brothers. I was the oldest in the room, so I usually stayed up late reading or whatever. I always felt so safe with my lamp on, but the instant it was off, I was absolutely sure that something would come from under my bed, or jump through the window and get me…

It kinda melted away after I moved though, until I started watching these godforsaken videos. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome content that I absolutely adore. But all the time, I'm up late and I check around every dark corner and avoid every window. The videos and images I see every day haunt my night mind. The grotesque, smiling face of Momo is burned into my eyes, the eerie image of Blank Room Soup is ingrained in my conscience. I can't stop diving deeper, deeper into the dark every day of my waking life. But the thrill of knowledge and secrets lure me further. Because the more I know, the more paranoid I am, the more prepared I can be.


I feel you. Usually I'm not so scared of the paranormal (although I will admit Momo's face startled me for a while), but unsolved crimes? Especially the creepy ones? I can't stand those, even though I love hearing about them. It's like…wow, a human did this to another human, and that same human could STILL BE OUT THERE. Creepy af.

Deleted user

One thing that kinda creeped me out is this web series called 'Petscop' it's a let's play series revolving around a supposedly lost Playstation 1 game of the same name. Currently, there are 15 episodes up on Youtube and I cannot wait for episode 16


@Write Like You're Running Out Of Time Nooooo I just looked up Momo to see what it was and…. it was unpleasant…

I did the same thing…
I blame myself for been too curious. A lot.
I don't even want to know what the other thing is..