forum A collection of Reed's stupid Tumblr Posts
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 44 followers

Deleted user

I'll put all my dumb posts becuase they're funny to me

Deleted user

"My Plan To This Presidental Election
Step one: Gather the children.

Step two: Guillotine.

Step three: Party!

#Reeds plan to the politcal climate#it do be like that#and like that it do be#please am i funny?#im funny right#listen im in quarantine with my family this is as funny as i get"

Deleted user

"Me at three am and sobbing, watching a documentary on dolphins: B-but the poor f-fishies!!!"

Deleted user

"Due to this points to the genderqueer flag I will be committing a couple homicides, as a treat."

Deleted user

"Due to personal reasons I will be spending the day crying in my bathtub and re-watching sanders sides

Deleted user

"Bards be like: Fraternizing with the enemy? No, fucking the enemy "

Deleted user

I'm off to fight God does anyone want anything?

Can you get me some ice cream? I ran out and I hear the ice cream up there is heavenly."

Deleted user

I'm off to fight God does anyone want anything?

Can you get me some ice cream? I ran out and I hear the ice cream up there is heavenly."

this one is so chaotic and i love it so much-