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Started by @EtherealDreamer

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It's good your better. I think the best way to be not burnt oit is to take some time to yourself go get a massage or read a book or bake something that is what I have heard.


Speaking of getting new books, the day before yesterday my uncle brought home the first four Harry Potter books for me to keep (all hardcover, with the book covers on them) so yay :)


I want to see it, I'll probably do what I usually do and forget about it for a while, then watch it on the website I use to watch movies.


Weird question can someone give me an anime character a lot of people simp over (male preferably) I have choosen to spend my night reading reader insert fanfics and making fun of Y/N


thanks- what type of crack is your little sister snorting
todoroki is an icon, a legend who needs not a soul
and deku is a little baby

Deleted user

soo, I hope this is still open to talking?
look I went through a fucked breakup, and he ran to the woman that pretty much caused it. so there's that. not to mention my fucking crazy-ass parents, who think I've changed since I started dating this girl and go she's good for me. I love her with everything I have, broken or not she still gives me her all. sh knows my story, all of it and yet she still stays, she knows my head fucked and still sees me no different. if I'm near my breaking point she's there to help and doesn't waver when my mind does. but yet my parents think just because she doesn't try and cheat or talk to me like I'm shit like he did that she bad, they ground me constantly for stupid ass reasons and now they're trying to make me break up with her, so there trying to keep m out of school and not let me have any contact with her, fights about this have gotten physical at times, I'm not even sure what to do, they've threatened to make me over out if I don't like their rules, and the sad thing is, I'm not theirs, I'm not adopted the only legal hold they have on me is a fucking paper where my real mother gave up and gave me to someone else. should I leave?


I think as long as she makes you happy, nothing else should really matter.
I know your parents think you're just with her because she doesn't treat you like shit, but in the end their opinions don't really matter when it comes to your relationships.


thanks- what type of crack is your little sister snorting
todoroki is an icon, a legend who needs not a soul
and deku is a little baby

She's ten so—


She's ten so—


yeah, but other than the fact that she finds potty humour and curse words hilarious for no reason, she's pretty cool.


She's ten so—


yeah, but other than the fact that she finds potty humour and curse words hilarious for no reason, she's pretty cool.

She should watch Hellva boss it is like Hazbin Hotel but better (if she knows how babies are made otherwise do not let her watch it)

Deleted user

soo cps was called, fights were made and I may be leaving


soo cps was called, fights were made and I may be leaving

Is that what you want? I know you said previously you have shitty parents, but sometimes, even when we have shitty parents we still love them and want to be with them for the few good memories we can create.

Deleted user

I know, but they told me to leave. RN I'm still at home so I guess for now I'm stuck