forum 2
Started by @1-00

people_alt 63 followers


Another hint for you:

Talk to each

Then you can see
How to
Eviscerate it

Maybe then
Other people can help you
Organize the plot. The
Rushing. The Flat. The
Sea of grass and pine

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

A moor is a flat semi-wetland that's by the sea. Normally the grasses are a harsh type kinda like saw grass, and they will cut you if rubbed the wrong way. The grasses grow in a briney soil so it's not very good for animals to eat unless they are accustomed to it. Plus there's really no trees. Unless there is a freshwater spring under the ground. And it's very windy, all the time. It always smells like saltwater and dirt. (I should know, I lived on one 🙃)