forum 2 Truths and a Lie
Started by @Hey_Its_Snowy_And_Im_Generally_Confused

people_alt 8 followers

Deleted user

I have partied for 13+ hours straight.
I used to be able to lift a hundred-fifty pounds with one arm
I have an IQ of 179

(I'm aware of how oddly specific these are.)

Deleted user

hah okay mine
i hate shreck, i can swear in italian and i love dark chocolate


I have partied for 13+ hours straight.
I used to be able to lift a hundred-fifty pounds with one arm
I have an IQ of 179

(I'm aware of how oddly specific these are.)

Is it the IQ

A Name With No Girl

I have partied for 13+ hours straight.
I used to be able to lift a hundred-fifty pounds with one arm
I have an IQ of 179

(I'm aware of how oddly specific these are.)

These are all so specific I feel like your lie is something like "My IQ is in fact 180 and not 179" :P

i hate shreck, i can swear in italian and i love dark chocolate

You don't love dark chocolate.

Deleted user

I have partied for 13+ hours straight.
I used to be able to lift a hundred-fifty pounds with one arm
I have an IQ of 179

(I'm aware of how oddly specific these are.)

Is it the IQ

Yeah. I'm only at about 130.

A Name With No Girl

there we go

As one of those who love dark chocolate, we all thank you for not wanting our chocolate ;P

My turn?
I've shot a riftle.
I speak Arabic.
My favourite animal is stingray.

A Name With No Girl

I actually don't speak Arabic, though I've learnt it in school for 4 years (I was taught moastly formal written Arabic). I know only a few sentences, but moastly the rotuin "Good morning students" -"Good morning teacher" "Please sit down".
Stingrays are soo cute <3

@Becfromthedead group

Okay, I guess I'll go
I have a scar in the corner of my eye
I've played piano since I was 6, and I trained in jazz music for a few years
My elementary school mascot and college mascot are the same animal