forum Welcome Aboard The Axis // A small handful? // CLOSED
Started by @croccin-champagne

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James was with the rest of the crew overseeing the sales. He felt a shift in the force, like someone was sitting in his chair when they weren't supposed to be. He shook his head and glanced around. Getting the part should be fairly easy, if no one messed their part up.

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Alec walked a little behind the group. No one had really told him exactly what they were looking for, but he knew it was something for the ship. Being the youngest by far in the crew, he felt like they sometimes treated him like a kid. Not including him to plans was only a part of it. He kicked some rocks as they walked. His leatherjacket felt way to warm for the weather. He put his hands in his pockets and fidgeted his armyknife. It somehow always made him feel a bit less stressed out when things were bad.

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Kym knew what they had to do, but she didn't care. The ship was low on food, and if they wanted to survive any longer they would have to buy more. So, she had taken some of her saved coins to try and buy some supplies. Of course, she knew places that she could get it for free, but she couldn't risk anything in the main marketplace.


Val sighed, pulling the small earpiece communication device the entire crew had from her belt, placing it in her ear and tapping it twice. "Testing connection, Karma's Axis to crew, can you read me." She spoke with a clear voice, as empty of emotion as always.

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Alec was the first one to respond. ”I can hear you, Val. Would you mind telling me what we’re looking for?” He complained. ”No one ever tells me anything on this ship.”


"We need a spare part for the ship," James responded with a light snap into the earpiece and at the boy, "I told you this before we got off the ship Alec so don't complain."


"A new fuel container. The current one is leaking." Val answered, watching the controls of the ship. "And unless you are all okay with the ship exploding mid warp, it would be a good idea to get a new one."

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”I would be fine with exploding right now,” Alec muttered. He had been in a bad mood all morning, and this little trip didn’t really make it any better. ”And James, I will complain as much as I want.” Alec hated being told what to do, something that was not very convenient when part of a crew.


"It's captain to you," James looked over at Alec, "We've almost got the piece Val. I have no plans of exploding any time soon."


"Good. It's not fun." Val said, entirely serious. "Try not to get arrested this time, as well. We don't need a repeat of the Yaiven incident."


"I'm well aware," James sighed and spotted a shop that would sell the part, "I hope your ready to put the container in when we get there just in case."


"Of course I am. I've done everything I can, all that's left is the actual placement of the container." Val said matter-of-factly, standing from the seat to pace, in a way that very much resembled marching.


"Good," James responded once last time. He paused for a second, "You weren't sitting in my chair where you Valeria?"


"Of course not, cap." Valeria said, eyes flickering to the chair in question as she very obviously lied, the flicker of a smile on her face carrying in her voice.


"Indeed I can," James was slightly quieter than he was previously. The strange playfulness in her voice offset him slightly, "So get out of my office and back to position. I'm getting the fuel container right now."

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Kym listened to the conversation, nit saying anything. She turned the mic of her earpiece on to say: "Might be a bit late back. Grabbing supplies for the kitchen."


"Try not to be too late." Val knew they wouldn't leave without Kym, but the warning was important.

A man poked his head around a cluttered shelf of parts and supplies, his rat-like face splitting into a grin as he spotted James and the others. "Well, hello there!"


James looked at the man, presumably the store owner, with a straight face, “Greetings. We’re just looking around.”


The man raised a thin eyebrow, eyes sparkling. "Ah, yes. Looking around. Looking in particular, or looking with nothing in mind?" Something about him seemed off, and it might've had something to do with the way his eyes flickered around nonstop.


"Just looking," James responded. He didn't like the way this man presented himself. He would simply grab the fuel container and book it with the others in tow.

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Meanwhile, Alec was looking around in the store. He always wanted to find new materials for his projects. Suddenly he saw something interesting. It was a cube of metal, with a small, round button on the side. Curious, he made sure no one was looking before he slipped it into his pocket.


The man didn't notice, though he continued to eye them as he went about somewhat shiftily 'organizing' the shelves. His fingers never seemed to stop moving, fiddling and moving things around.