forum The first one yo [Open]
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Mick ran down the hall, having just lost some guards. He stopped at the sight of an unconsious guard and peered into the control room, seeing as it was his teamates he walked in


"I think there were inferred motion detectors hidden, they must have caught someones movement" He answered, that was his best guess anyways


"This is just grate," Sera looked around the room, "Any good Ideas for getting out because as of right now non of the guards are were they are supposed to be because of the alarm.


Sera, sighed, they might be in the same posts, but their mind set was going to be more active they aren't going to be as easy to slip around. "So do we want to use the vents or try for the basement?"


"Both feel like a huge risk, to be honest."Sera ran a hand though her hair, "That alarm going off changed everything. Which one will take us passed less of the guards' posts?"