forum Dystopia (Very open!!)
Started by @Spider-man

people_alt 40 followers


Name: Kaelyn Greene
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Short black hair, brown eyes, glasses
Personality: used to be really optimistic before realizing she was to be a wait, now is self reserved
Backstory: Claire was always into the arts and girls, but no one understood her. She was always optimistic and would eagerly talk about the new writings she wrote. Then she learned that it was unwanted to be creative
Likes: Cats, weird people, food
Dislikes: Loneliness, bullies, the society
Hobbies: Writing, singing
(is she good)


Name: Kaliyah Arkos
Gender: female
Age: 14
Sexuality: biromantic
Personality: she is sassy but only when you get to know her. She is protective and will not hesitate to shut you down if she despises you. She can remember many things and sometimes uses it against others
Backstory: (optional)
Likes: animals, friends, art, reading, singing, cooking
Dislikes: spiders, dusting,
Hobbies: develop
Other: she is ambidextrous and has a photographic memory


(oh I almost forgot! Everyone got a black bag. They got to bring anything they like. The only things that aren't allowed were electronics and money. Jewelry can be brought but not worn. Also anything sharp (needles and scissors) were taken away. Many people just bring books, notebooks, pencils, and basic art supplies)


(ya know this rp reminds me of the unwanteds series)

(someone told me about that series but really didn't want to read it because I was a little nervous about it being too similar.)


Name: Ethan
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Sexuality: bi
Personality: talkative, people person, fidgety
Likes: joking, laughter, history, stories, art
Dislikes: being alone, officials, rules, sitting still
Hobbies: writing and a little bit of drawing


Ava woke up at the sound of the morning alarms. The alarm shrieked to life every morning at 6 o'clock. She stood up and quickly made her bed. She stood at the head of the bed and looked around to make sure everyone was waking up.

@Shadow_Knight group

Nykidia woke up and started chatting with Night. She seamed excited for more people to show up. She made no effort to clean up her bed or clean herself up too much. All she did was brush her hair so no tangles grew. She often ripped holes in her clothes to make them seem more comfortable and ripped thumb holes to hide her scars.