forum Voyage to Arcata (Open for everyone)
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people_alt 61 followers

Deleted user

The cooks were still doing the same as earlier, on the other hand, the ones scorting mages did struggle to keep themselves hidden

@Shadow_Knight group

Raz placed her dirty dishes in sink before heading back onto deck. She pulled her hood up before walking over to the mast and looking up at the crow nest.

Deleted user

Soon, a whole crowd of people got on the ship, the captain appeares covered in various cloaks, hiding herself from the daylight, "We'll be heading to Noren next, we soon will be om Arcata."

Deleted user

(Maybe by being part of the crowd that just appeared? Stumbling across Raz?)

@Becfromthedead group

(Ima try to hop back in?)
Pelleas quietly stood on the deck, watching the people on board, listening to the captain, and otherwise simply observing everything going on around him.
He had been feeling a bit weird since the whole incident, and he’d been trying to lay as low as possible.

@Shadow_Knight group

At the moment, Raz was trying to figure out how to get into the crows nest, or even if she was allowed too. She looked up to see if anyone was in it already, but it was hard to tell from where she stood.

Deleted user

The ship was moving again and it seems like there were more water mages abroad, it was a little crowded but the journey would end soon as long as there wasn't any surprise in the way