forum The Party - Fantasy Quest RP.
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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@EmptyNebula group

Name: Colton Quinn
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 22
Species: A demon himself
Personality: Introverted, quiet, keeps to himself, rarely speaks, quite a nerd, confident
Talents: Using magic
Flaws: Throwing things such as knives, swords, even pencils, and hitting the target, horrible depth perception when things are close to him
Weaponry: Just using magic with his mind instead of his hands
Other: He has conflicts with himself and how he is and he doesn't want to be who he is. He feels like he was put in the wrong body (not trans) and doesn't want to be a demon. He was born that way and tried hard to rid himself of the title so he became a demon hunter

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Thanks! I know I said I wanted to be the assassin, but I've changed to the Archmage, is that okay?

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Thanks, i'm a little conflicted on which I wanna do, both seem to be really good character choices