forum The Mystery of Oxford High (3/6)(OPEN)
Started by @KeepingItReal

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(You probably, I would but I have no idea where and when and stuff to start)

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(For the rp? if so then we should wait! But should it start at school? or?)

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(I'm gonna wait a few minutes for you, but I can start it for sure!)


Name: Elysee Sharp
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: Confident, friendly, playful, kind of naive
Likes: Pizza, children, the color red, music, and art
Dislikes: Whiners, school, and board games

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The school was large, one of the largest in the country. It was easy to get lost in there unless you have a map, or you are a junior or a senior. Summer walks up the steps in front of the school. She sits down on one of the stairs, waiting for her friends.


I get out of my car and I stare at the school. Great…Another day of school. I ignore the lustful glances I get from the boys on the campus and I walk up to Summer. "Hello."

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"Hi, Elysee!" She smiles. "Are you ready for yet another wonderful day of school?" Her was voice was full of sarcasm.

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"As always. Oh- there's the bell, see you later." She heads off to her class.

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(Maybe just this once make him not homeschooled??)

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(Ok, sorry to do this to you… but thank you!)

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"Hi Danny! I'm so glad one of my friends have 1st period with me, it would be so boring and lonely." She pulls out her notebook and her pencil.

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"So true though." The teacher calls attention to the class and starts it.