forum The Final 4 (5/5) (CLOSED)
Started by @KeepingItReal

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She shrugged. "No idea. The other Phantom Queen left, and she saw what I could do, she thought it was good enough, and I'm here now." She leaned against the doorframe, letting the black smoke wind around her hand. "What do you want, and who are you?"

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"I'm Paisley Nikolaidis and I guess I'm here for the same reason…?"


Lulu nodded to her, turning back to Danny to wait for his response. She really didn't know what these people wanted, or what deal the old Phantom Queen had with them.

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Paisley headed to the door, then realizing she was still holding Avery's hand. She quickly let go and her face turns a light shade of red as she walked inside the castle.


Lulu shut the door behind them, leaving everything in near darkness. Her feet made a rather intimidating sound as she walked across the courtyard to the black throne, sitting in it sideways with her legs crossed over the arm. "Okay, what do you want again? I'm tired, and I didn't have anything for breakfast."


"I could get you something!"
Danny disappears in a swirl of black smoke only to reappear with a light and some BBQ pulled pork mac n cheese.
"It was dark and this stuff is the BEST."
He turns on the light and gives her the bowl of food.


Lulu raised an eyebrow, taking it and eating some. After a while, she nodded. "Thanks. Um…Danny. Thanks. Now what do you guys want?"
((…does danny wanna ship with lulu or is he already sailed))


((I apologize, I hadn't read through everything you all had written. I'm sorry, my bad, go back to what you were doing. Sorry. :))

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Paisley headed to the door, then realizing she was still holding Avery's hand. She quickly let go and her face turns a light shade of red as she walked inside the castle.

(I already went in, unless this is for something totally different)