forum The Deceiver and the Liar (O/O Closed, Stalkers welcome)
Started by @AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

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@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

"You're very welcome."
I whisper, not really caring if he heard me or not. Instead I dip through the buildings, following the direction of the boy's path. I wait behind the shadows as he comes around the corner, but I hide myself well, letting out a gentle giggle, patiently awaiting behind a nearby tree.


Milo cursed and kicked small rocks as he walked. Another night without a meal, as usual. But this time he was even more upset because he had a chance to eat, but he blew it by getting caught up with that woman in the street. Now he was walking alone, upset, with nothing to do and nothing to eat. Maybe it's time to steal from a market, he thought to himself as his stomach growled once again, followed by a wave of nausea.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Lively, he seems frustrated. Will he ever enter a building to presumably be his home? I tilt my head in curiosity, interested in his evening plans. The moon's glow eased onto my hands as I step out of the shadows.
"Is something troubling you, mister?"
I hold my hands in front of me politely, standing up straight and displaying a friendly smile towards him.


Milo jumped back when he heard the woman's voice again. "W-what are you doing? Are you following me?" he asked, looking her up and down suspiciously.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

I grin at his startled expression.
"Well we had an agreement, didn't we?"
I chime, raising my eyebrows with an ever-growing smile.
"I'll watch where I go, and you'll be nicer. Now, it's bad manners to ignore my question, is it not?"


"Do I look like a person who particularly cares about manners?" Milo asked, scowling. "And we never had an agreement. You asked to shake on it, and I said no."

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

I twitched my mouth impatiently at him, curling my nose.
"Alright then, sir. I believe we got off on the wrong foot."
I straighten my posture and hold out my hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tani. I am a faerie."


Milo took another step back, expression changing from one of to disgust to curiosity when he heard the word 'faerie'. He'd never met one of her kind before… but she was probably bad news. Faeries usually were. "I'll pass on the handshake."

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

"Very well," I utter, dropping my hand and placing both onto my hips in a huff.
"I'm not one for poems and rhymes or repeating myself, but I sincerely am interested in how I can help."
I give him a mischievous grin as I watch his next move carefully.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

I giggle slightly, shaking my head.
"You tell me."
I lean forward and point a finger at him, scrunching my nose as I return my hands to my hips.
"You display your struggle directly upon your face, sir. Anyone could see your dissatisfaction."


"That doesn't mean I need anyone's help. I'm doing just fine on my own," her argued defensively, knowing very well that he was an absolute disaster by himself. He still wasn't sure how he'd survived this long.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

I cross my arms and stick my nose up at him.
"It's bad manners to lie, Tani."
In a huff, I turn away and start walking in any random direction, not really paying attention.
"But, if you're sure you want to refuse help from me, someone who could grant any wish, then alright." I wait patiently, listening closely for his response.