forum Oddity Woods // CLOSED
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There's woods behind the town of Grace Haven. They've been nicknamed 'Oddity Woods' because of the things that happen to the people who go in. They come out with powers, extremely impossible ideas and even as different species. When they're found, they're either locked up or put in a mental asylum. Because of this, no one goes in. Every resident of Grace Haven is told that from a young age. Still, people go in. After all, curiosity killed the cat.

-No IRL hate.
-No swearing. If your character needs to swear, censor it.
-Humans only. They are from Earth, nowhere else.
-Don't make it all about your character. It frustrates me when people make it about themselves.
-Ask to join first before posting your character
-If it says closed, don't ask for it. Just don't.
-Wait for ME (@MaddieHatter) to accept your character, not anyone else.
-All kinds of characters are accepted, just make them unique.
-Don't include personal drama.
-1 character ONLY
-LGBTQA is allowed. Just don't make all characters straight.
-Three strikes, YOU'RE OUT. No second chances.

Style: (this means clothing)


1.Alina Holmes(@MaddieHatter)
3.Livio Popoli (@DuskToDawnz)
4.Blair Dune (Alex)
5.Arthur Melmin (voloctis)

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Name:Livio "Liv" Popoli
Gender: male
Sexuality: pretty gay
Appearance: dark brown hair, pale skin, green eyes and a peircing stare
Style: Oversized clothing, mostly hoodies and jeans
Personality: quite introverted but once he wams up to you he is very exspresive
Likes: raspberries, soft things, the dark and snakes
Dislikes: loud noises, crowds of people and Ducks
Background: he lives with his aunt becouse his parents travel he is ussaly seen with his earbuds in and his head bobbing along to the music

Deleted user

(he's ok.

also the age range is 21-26. i forgot to add that)


Name: Blair Dune
Age: 21
Gender: female
Sexuality: stright
Style: (this means clothing) sweaters! Shorts, that kinda stuff.
Personality: out going, reckless. Will literally fight you.
Likes: food. Coffee. Snakes.
Dislikes: people, loud noises.
Background: moved to town to be around family
Other: has a younger cousin named Mavi.

Deleted user

(she needs a last name, please spell straight correctly and the rules say no develops, especially on personality.
other than that, yep)

Deleted user

Name: Alina Holmes
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Dark skin with a light dusting of freckles in her nose; Startling green eyes that are surprising when you see them; Almost untamable curly/frizzy hair; Taller than average
Style: Comfy clothes, sneakers, an apron (sometimes). She can usually be found with flour on her face or in her hair.
Personality: Sassy, snarky, can be extremely emotional, kind, little rebellious, takes charge
Likes: Cake decoration, ballet, France, England
Dislikes: Other women hitting in her, rude people
Background: She's English, and her family moved to Paris when she was young (about 3). There she got into ballet (as a hobby) and cake decorating from all the patisseries in Paris. When she was about 10, her family moved to Grace Haven.
She's the youngest of 3 girls: Izira (32); London (29); then her. Her parents and London loved to travel and were adventurous. When Alina was 14, her parents and London ventured off into Oddity Woods and never came back.
Other: She has an English accent even though she hasn't lived in England for over 2 decades. This is because of her parents. She speaks French after her 7 years in the country. She does cake decorating as her day job.


Name: Arthur Melmin
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi sexual
Appearance: Light skin tone with a tall thin frame to match. He sports thick black hair in contrast to the rest of him, though his soft brown eyes blend nicely.
Style: working button up shirts coupled with either jeans or dress pants, he does wear suspenders though he always has a belt around his small waist. He also wears glasses.
Personality: He is a fountain of knowledge no matter how useful it is. He is quite easy going and no one to start a fight or stay in it. He tries to be pleasant and polite at all times and keeps manners at the forefront of it all.
Likes: Discussions, reading, writing, and his alone time
Dislike: shouting or fighting, bright light, and being forced to interact with people when he would rather not.
Background: He has lived his whole life in Grace Haven and not really ventured beyond. He is the youngest of 5 siblings and the only boy as well. His father and mother owned the library which was eventually passed down in their old age to Arthur. He has lost one sister to the Oddity woods and makes it a point to stay safe.
Other: He has extensive knowledge about the town and most documented cases of those lost to the Oddity woods.