forum My vampire Family (open) 6 spots (OPEN)
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 42 followers

@EmptyNebula group

Name: Lucas Roland
Role: Brother
Age: 15
Powers: Flawless aim, compulsion, speed, strength
strengths: Can run very fast, almost to the speed of light
weaknesses: can't lift more than five hundred pounds, shy
personality: Introverted, quiet, likes books, loyal, smart, talks when needed, sarcastic at times, rarely speaks
apperance: Long brown hair, hazel eyes, cleft chin, diamond face, wide-shoulders, dimples, 5'8
usual outfit: Leather jacket, grey shirt, jeans, converse shoes, square glasses

Deleted user

(I'm the human)

(srry about that, May I join as a sister then?)


(ok ill start where we left off)

Julia scampered outside, just about tripping over her own feet. She squeaked as she skidded to halt.
"Are there any boxes left?"

"I think Slang got the last one." Seth swings his arm off the railing and heads towards the door. "I'm going to go to my room," he mutters with a monotone rasp.

@EmptyNebula group

Lucas heard the scream from the girl and deeply sighed. He went downstairs where they locked the girl up and opened the barred windows. It only has space to stick your hand through if your hand was in a chopping motion. "Are you hungry or are you going to ask why you are here?"

@EmptyNebula group

"Straight to the point I see. Well, I can't answer who I am just yet but I can tell you where you are." He told her, walking back in forth in the corridor. "You are in a room with concrete walls."

@EmptyNebula group

Lucas rolled his eyes and sighed, stuffing the food portions through the shallow opening. "This is your food for today, be sure to save as much of it as possible." He dropped the two bread pieces in and stood back. He put in a small Ziploc bag of water into the opening also. "That's also your water. If you wanna open it, cut it at the corner with your teeth."