forum Migorn School of Magic - CLOSED -
Started by @cheddarface

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Hello people! I will be posting my own writing here and would love if people would join in and review so long as you stay on topic! My first story will be coming soon.


Okay, so this first story takes place on the first day of school. The characters name is Connor Ashton and he's 15 years old. In human terms he is in grade 10 for high school , except it's Migorn and it's called, well it's called grade 10 but it refers to magic. School at Migorn lasts 3 years with 3 months of vacation in between each year. Each year is broken up into 3 semesters. This is Connors first year at Migorn. Something else you should know. Elementary school aged and below attend the Citadel for magic teaching. Okay, heres the story!

Connor was awake half an hour before his alarm clock went off. He couldn't help being nervous about what this day held. He felt kind of childish just lying in bed working up a sweat. Eventually he had had enough and jumped out of his bed onto the brown carpet that covered the floor of his room. Connor waved his hand and the blinds that covered his window retracted allowing light to flood his room. He then walked over to the desk that was shoved against the far wall in his room and picked up the clothes he had laid out the night before. Connor looked them over twice to make sure they hadn't gotten stains or had been ripped from their night lying on his desk. Once he was satisfied with them he quickly changed out of the t-shirt and shorts that he wore to bed. Once that was done he spoke a command word, "Etelpmoc." At once his bed began to make itself, the blankets flying into place and folding themselves, the sheets shaking themselves out. Even his pillow fluffed itself up. Connor nodded, satisfied that his pre-placed charm was working. He then cast a quick spell and his school books began to gather themselves into his backpack. As they did that he walked over to his bedside and disabled his alarm clock. Connor quickly strode out of his room, his backpack still filling itself with everything he would need for the day. Connor walked down the hall way and turned right and found himself at the bathrom. He quickly entered and began to do his morning duties, literally. Once he had finished he brushed his teeth, did his hair, applied his deodorant and looked in the full length mirror to admire his school uniform. The uniform was made up of a mages robes, loose navy robes that fell down to Connors ankles. They allowed lots of movement witch was neccesary for combat training and they weren't heavy or distracting. Connor quickly blinked downstairs and found his mom already conjouring breakfast. He had blinked to the bottom of their stairs and she glanced up at him, "Oh, hi Connor. You're up early." Connor nodded and slid into a chair at their table. "Couldn't sleep." His mom looked up, concern written in her green eyes. "Are you alright?" She asked. "You're not sick are you?" Connor rolled his eyes and conjoured himself a glass of orange juice. "Mom," he said after taking a sip of the juice, "Just because I can't sleep doesn't mean I'm sick. When someone doesn't act in their normal way, it doesn't mean their sick. Got it?" His mom nodded slowly, "I think so." Connor raised his eyes to their ceiling. "That's what you've said the last 12 times." He muttered. His mom frowned but didn't comment on his comment and continued to wave her arms, directing the preperation of the breakfast. As far as Connor could make out, she was making waffles. When the waffles were ready he grabbed six and wolfed them down. With a quick goodbye and the summoning of a portal Connor was at Migorn. He looked up at the looming grey walls. It was a pretty tall building and as fas as he could figure it had a navy blue roof that matched his uniform. He was a little early but kids dressed in the school uniform were quickly appearing. Connor took a deep breath and was about to walk forward when the excessively large front doors of the school swung open wildly and without warning. He stumbled backwards but quickly caught his balance and looked around him with flaming cheeks to see if any other teens had caught his stumble. Apparantly not. Connor quickly walked towards those open doors, ready for anything the school might throw at him.

Hi, I hope you liked it. I know it didn't actually have him in the school in this first portion of the story but I thought it was important to lay down the foundations. The next story should be coming tomorrow. Please give feedback!


Oh, I just remembered something. Before I said that you guys could add to the story. Please only do that if you're going to stay on topic and are a different character. Please don't ruin anything. Thanks! :)

@Becfromthedead group

(I would maybe like to join in, if that's okay? Just let me know if I do anything that doesn't fit with the world or is plot-altering, and I can go back and fix whatever needs it.)


That would be great. You can set your character in a different time period or the same time period, whatever you want. Here's a link to the CYOA that I'm basing my story off of.
I've added quite a few things such as the fact that the school is not a castle (that seemed to Harry Potterish to me) and I've added in the Citadel. And don't bother with the nonsense about credits and school mysteries, you can be creative. Just make sure there is a reasonable amount of classes in each Semester. Whatever classes you put your character into, just remember to make it one of the classes in the CYOA. It is also not his/her first time doing magic (young mages learn in the Citadel) Have fun and I'll let you know if anything goes majorly wrong. :)


Okay, here's the next part of Connors story. Enjoy!

Connor walked down the hallway and became increasingly faster. His footsteps echoed in the empty school. How had he gotten stuck here?
He had been at his locker and could hear the other kids low hubbub around him. But then he had looked up and everyone was gone.
Now he couldn't find his classroom and he was probably going to be late. "Way to make a first impression." He muttered to himself.
Then he heard voices from around the corner up ahead and quickened his pace yet again. As he turned the corner he found himself at a classroom. The sign that was posted on the wall beside the door read: Magic 101.
Connor took a deep breath and walked into the classroom slowly. His teachers' nametag read: Carissa Spensky. Her brown eyes looked up disapprovingly as he walked into the room. "Connor Ashton, I presume." Connor nodded.
"Yes, ma'am." Carissa gestured to an open desk at the far side of the room.
"Well please sit down so that we may continue." Connor quickly crossed the distance to the empty desk, ignoring the sniggers and looks he was getting from the other students.
Once he arrived he pushed his backpack under his desk and looked up with his classmates as Carissa cleared her throat.
"Now," She began, "As I was saying, this class is not a class that you'll be taking all year. You'll just be taking for the first semester of each year. This is mostly a review for the Magic 101 class that you took at the Citadel.
As I'm sure you all know, this class focusses on the basis of magic, mana. You'll be learning the theory behind spells, how to make your own, as well as learning about the nature of mana. How to replenish it, and how to judge how much a spell will use. This class will have minimal to no spellcasting in it."
At those words, a low groan came out of the students. Carissa glared at them and they quieted down.
"As boring as it may seem, these techniques will help you in later years when you're in battle or after a hard day of work. Now onto the class.
The topic today is the nature of magic in itself. The first thing we will cover is the effect of magic. The magic we have and our physical bodies are connected. If we strain ourselves physically we will become physically tired, but if we continue to strain ourselves physically we will become magically tired, and vice versa for magic."
She glanced back from the whiteboard that she was writing the key points on. "I expect you all to be keeping notes. Just because you've heard most of this before doesn't mean you won't hear something new." All of the kids scrambled for their notebooks.
Connor grabbed his old one from the Citadel that he had brought for this class. It was red and spiral bound. It was a bit battered but it held all of his old notes for this class which meant he might not have to do as much work. Carissa called for attention and continued with all of the students taking notes as she talked.
"Casting a spell requires mana. Now mana is the source of our magical strength. The bigger the mana pool we have, the more magical strength we have. Mana can conceivably do anything, so long as the wizard casting the spell has the strength to perform it.
So, when we cast a spell we must either think of an incantation or speak it. This incantation triggers the mana inside or around of us and it uses itself to achieve the desired effect of the caster. However, the mana uses itself up and essentially leaves us.
Now mana does replenish with enough magical rest, but there are some techniques to replenish faster. We'll cover those at a later date.
Now, as I said before mana can conceivably do anything. Wizards can invent their own spells, so long as they use the correct words to achieve the effect that they want. So here are some basic words that are used in spells. Please copy them down."
She went on to write a list of 25 words and Connor copied 6 of them down already having the other 19 in his notebook.
Once the rest of the class finished Carissa glanced up at the clock.
"We have 10 minutes left. Would someone tell me where mana comes from and why everyone doesn't have it." Someone to the right and in front of Connor shot their hand up. Carissa nodded to them.
"Yes, Jacob." Jacob nodded his head several times before speaking.
"Well, mainly mana comes from the Spirit Realm, specifically from the spirits of people. Most can only access their mana reserves once they are dead because they don't have a body to hinder them. But wizards and such have the ability to access the inner reaches of their spirits even when they're living."
Carissa smiled.
"Well done Jacob. All of that was correct and information that they don't teach at the Citadel. If anyone was wondering were Jacob would have found that it is in your Magic 101 textbook that I'm sure most of you didn't even look at." She then checked the clock again.
"Okay, you guys can go. Class dismissed."
Connor was one of the first out of the door and strode past the group of people who were talking to Jacob, trying to get his attention. Connor rolled his eyes. Suckups.
He glared back at the small mob of people and bumped into a girl who was looking in the same direction. "Oh, I'm sorry." She yelped. Connor shook his head, recognizing this girl as one of his classmates.
"It's me who should be sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." The girl looked in the direction that Connor was staring at.
"He's so annoying, isn't he? He knows the answer to one question and suddenly everybody wants to be his friend. My name's Martha by the way." Martha extended her hand and Connor took it.
"My name's Connor. Let's head over to Conjuration."
Connor was feeling optimistic about the rest of the day. His first class hadn't been a total flop, even though he was late. He had separated himself from the brainiac that every school seemed to have. And it seemed that he had the opportunity to make a new friend. The rest of the day could only get better. Naturally, that's when everything went horribly wrong.

Ha ha! Cliffhanger! Oh, I do love writing those. Um, anyway, I know there wasn't a whole lot of spellcasting in this chapter (actually I don't think there was any) but I knew that this was an important topic to cover so that everybody understands the basics of magic while they're reading this. I probably will never go into detail for another one of these classes and I'll just write something like: "Magic 101 went by quickly." If you find anything wrong with my writing or would simply like to give feedback you are welcome to. I hope you liked it and I will be posting the next one most likely some time today, but possibly tomorrow. NOTE: I have actual paragraphs in the original writing, however when I post anything the paragraphs dissapear, so there will be no indent for new paragraphs. Sorry, there isn't anything that I can do about it.


Hey guys, sorry I won't be posting for a while. My family is moving to Alberta and I've got a lot to do and think about and just don't have time to continue with a series. I should be able to do smaller posts in other forums, but I unfortunately don't have time for this. I hope I'll be able to post again one day.


Yuppers! I forgot to add. Anybody who wishes to continue to write here can do that. I don't want to hold you guys back. I'll come on as much as I can to give feedback. I might get a couple of days that I can work on stories for.

@Realm Master

(Hey, I just joined and I noticed that you haven't posted here for a while. I've had some great ideas for this thread. I hope all of the changes are going good and was wondering if you simply had time to confirm that I could join. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to do this.)


(Of course, you may continue with the series. And thank you for your condolences. I would really appreciate it if you continued with Connors story. Thanks for doing this.)