forum Magic In Our Midst

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@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

"Alright, roll call!" Morgana says, looking at her clipboard, "Theoduluous, merboy, Melanthea, witch, Fausta, mermaid, Aeliana, witch, Ennius, fairy, and Porcius, vampire!"
"Here!" They all say when their names are called.
"Good, follow me, please," Morgana says and starts leading them passed the other magical people coming out of the portal and a little way down the hill. "Now, children, you must remember, you will be given more human-like names, and you must respond to them. You must keep your disguises on, and, please Porcius, no biting!" She orders. Theoduluous and Fausta almost trip over each other, trying to get used to their new legs.
"Yes, ma'am!" The two say.
"Good." Morgana says,"Now, you are to call me Morgan. I am your "foster parent", understand?"
"Yes, Morgan." We say.
"Good." She repeats, "Now, come. I'll show you the house."


Name: Ayven
Sex: Female
Magic Age: 1650
Human Age: 16
Magic: Witch
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Icey Blue Eyes, Short Black hair that ends just above her shoulder's. Normally wears in a short ponytail with a Black Baseball Cap on. Is tall and lean, wears a Leather Jacket with a blue t-shirt underneath, Black ripped skinny Jeans, with Blue Converse on. Has an Amethyst crystal necklace she always wears.
Personality: Smart, Can be Sarcastic, Is more reserved and standoffish but is a kind person, sometimes can seem a bit cocky, introverted
Pets: A Black Raven named Myra

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Okay, so she has to join another group of Magics with one adult over 18. You don't have to make the person be the main character, she or he just needs to be in the story as their "foster parent". Read above parts of the story for reference.


Okay, so she has to join another group of Magics with one adult over 18. You don't have to make the person be the main character, she or he just needs to be in the story as their "foster parent". Read above parts of the story for reference.

I did and not gonna lie I am bit confused, would you mind explaining more?

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

(Okay) It was a tough decision, making the choice to go to the human world. But Mel's mother was becoming unbearable, treating her no better than her elfish servants. Still, as Mel stepped through the portal to the mortal realm, homesickness washed over her. She was glad she could bring her cat, Cozbi, and her dragon baby, Lilith. Lilith would have to be hidden in the home she would be staying in, with a 7,100-year-old witch named Morgana. When she arrived on the other side, the first scent that hit her nose was familiar. Lavander and lilac. Her two favorite flowers. She was in a beautiful field, and, for a moment, her breath caught in her throat and she understood why she came to this world. A 700-year-old merboy named Theodulus that was staying at the house with Morgana stood up shakily and took a few wobbly steps. "Woah." He said to his brand new legs. Mel breathed in another noseful of lavender and lilac. Woah indeed.

Okay, read this.

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

"Alright, roll call!" Morgana says, looking at her clipboard, "Theoduluous, merboy, Melanthea, witch, Fausta, mermaid, Aeliana, witch, Ennius, fairy, and Porcius, vampire!"
"Here!" They all say when their names are called.
"Good, follow me, please," Morgana says and starts leading them passed the other magical people coming out of the portal and a little way down the hill. "Now, children, you must remember, you will be given more human-like names, and you must respond to them. You must keep your disguises on, and, please Porcius, no biting!" She orders. Theoduluous and Fausta almost trip over each other, trying to get used to their new legs.
"Yes, ma'am!" The two say.
"Good." Morgana says,"Now, you are to call me Morgan. I am your "foster parent", understand?"
"Yes, Morgan." We say.
"Good." She repeats, "Now, come. I'll show you the house."

Then read this. There are basically small groups with six kids under 18 each and one adult that pretends to be their "foster parent".


Alright that makes more sense now, is there another Foster Group she can join. If not I will make her the Foster Parent of one.


Then I will have Ayven join that one then, who is Euadne being played by or is she an open character for everyone to play as.


Stepping through the portal into the mortal realm, Ayven took a deep breath. She was tired of constantly having to run from one place to another but it was the only way she could stay ahead of her Father. And the last thing he would expect her to do would be to go live in the world of Humans.

The other side of the portal led her to step out onto a beachy area as the smell of salt filled her nose. Thanks to a letter she found in an old journal of her Mother's, she had discovered that there were magical creatures in the Human Realm who acted like Foster Parents for those under the age of 18 to live with and escape parental troubles or other issues.

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Morgana lead the group through the small forest, stopping just at the edge. "Now, the neighborhood we are going to is all the "foster families", so you'll have a little more freedom in the area. But make sure you don't show off any powers in the other neighborhoods, and don't fly too high if you posses those abilities. Merpeople, no swimming in any lakes besides the one in this neighborhood, understand?"
"We understand." We all say.
"Good." She nods, "Welcome to your new home."