forum Magic Can Hold A Family Together, Right? (CLOSED)(Stalkers welcome)
Started by @Painted-Iris group

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Name: Keira Beauclaire
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: mage
Magic used: animal shape shifter
Appearance: Her abilities allow her to shape shift into any animal that exists. keira, in her human form, has an ash brown hair color, with a length of just barely to her shoulders. Her usual hairstyle is her hair tied back just enough to keep her hair out of her face. She has dark freckles scatter across the bridge of her nose and high cheek bones. They go well with her tanned skin. Her eyes are an ice blue hue. When she smiles, she has cute dimples ing with pearly white teeth. She has a lean, athletic body. She does stand on the shorter side side, at 5'3.
Personality: Keira had been hiding all her life. She was always living on the outskirts, away from the authorites as far as possible. Shs only shape shifted when it was necessary. It takes energy out of her to do it. One day she was caught and had been on the run ever since. She's wary of people, normal humans. The few people who were like her, different, she had tried her best to help them.

@Painted-Iris group

Running. Running. The only sounds they could hear was the snapping of branches and their own heartbeats. It was louder than any of the shouts and curses from the village people. They never were the type to accept what is different from what was considered the norm. The brand new four to enter the woods hadn't all come at once, but in the end would find each other. The leaves and branches swished in the breeze, and it seemed they were moving towards a specific direction. It was as if they were welcoming the newcomers in deeper. Trees were wise after all. It was up to each of the magic users to choose where they would go from here. None of them knew of the cottage about a mile into the dense forest. But they would soon find out.

Lata swirled her cup of tea in her hand, glaring lightly at the drink. She missed her old friend who used to own this cabin. He had been her family. The other two as well. Something happened and she'd never know. Not much for religion, the girl prayed nonetheless. They were probably fine. She still missed them though. Taking a sip from her mug, she hummed. At least there were good memories before everything went to hell. Putting down her drink rather roughly, Lata stood from the table she was seated at. She would visit the old weeping willow where they had all met. It always helped clear her mind. Tugging on a small hooded cloak, she rushed out of the abode towards the northeast. She had no idea she was supposed to be expecting visitors soon.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Maylynn ran as fast as she could, her once Pearl white wings that are now, blood stained and muddy, dragging on the ground, tears stung her face as she ran barefooted through the woods, tripping on broken branches and sticks, thorns and rocks, running as fast as she could away from the village. She had to get away from them…. She hit her foot on a big rock, falling down hitting her knees on broken prices of glass, her arms and her face banging down on a few other rocks.
Sobbing miserably, her short hair sticking to the sides of her face, she crawls near a tree and sits beside it.
please help….


His heart pounded in his head like the sound of drums announcing his demise. “All I wanted was a strawberry. That is the only reason i went into town in the first place. Why did I have to help that little girl?? Why am I such an idiot?! I should have known better!” The thoughts of regret flood his mind. Swiftly he dodges the many obstacles that this labyrinth of a forest holds. “I don’t know how long I can go on like this!” Just then he spots a small river and dives in as deep as possible. After waiting for what felt like an eternity he resurfaced and surveyed the area. “Not again!” He mumbles to himself after spotting a distraught girl sitting underneath a tree. “No Asher! You are not letting yourself do this again! That’s how we got here in the first place remember??” But after more examination he realizes that it is not just any girl. “Are those…wings?”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Maylynn heard a crash of water sounding in the distance, which made her jump a little. She slowly manages to stand up, her limbs bleeding along with her nose. She wipes the hair and tears from her face and looks around cautiously, holding onto one of the lower branches for support. Her skirt was ripped, along with the nice green shirt she had on, with a splatters of bloodstains.
She had been whipped, beaten, and cut, some of the feathers on her wings were ripped off viciously. She just wanted to see her little brother….but once she found out he was beaten to death, she was caught. She was trapped in the same cell that her little brother had died so terribly in, as she was beaten also. For three whole moons, she was kept there, when she finally got done with mourning, she found a way to escape. So there she stands, a girl, beaten, battered, and bruised, holding on for dear life, hoping no one would find her, but she was afraid they had come back to finish what they had started.

@Painted-Iris group

Lata was currently moving in the complete opposite direction as the two who were currently having their own encounter. The girl smiled at the willow tree, thinking of her fellow mage friend she had met. She was in another dimension with the others though. It still frustrated her as to why she couldn't stay and help. Sitting at the base of the tree, she sighed. A glowing ball of magic appeared in her palm, growing in size only to split into three and each forming the appearance of three different people. One a female, just a bit older than her, glasses sitting on the bridge of her freckled nose, the other two, men. They both were of adult age, but one was responsible for the group's closeness. It was the shorter man, having cat-like features and clear blue eyes. He was like a father to her. The last person was tanned with patches of lighter skin and tattoos running up and down his body. He was like a stubborn older brother. Very stubborn.
Gods, she missed them.


Levi had a camp on the outskirts of town nestled in the dark between two big oak trees. He glanced up from the fireplace at the sound of something—or someone—rustling through the trees and shrubbery. He narrowed his eyes in the general direction of the sound. After extinguishing his campfire to a mere pile of embers, he shifted into a grey-muzzled black wolf to chase after the rustle in the trees. He kept his nose close to the ground as he tracked the faint scent. His muscles ached from the elderly wolf-form he’d taken on, but it was sure better to take advantage of the heightened sense and smell—and intimidation factor. He stopped near a willow tree where the scent led, but seeing as a girl sat at the base of it, he stopped a few several paces away. He panted heavily, out of breath from the travel.

@Painted-Iris group

Lata let her magic fall quickly, turning her head towards the sudden noise. Someone was here. And by process of elimination, it wasn't someone she knew. It took her a moment to suddenly see a wolf that was panting a great amount. It was dark as ink with the exception of it's snout. She slowly got into a crouched position and took a good look at the creature. Did it have bad intentions, it would have attacked or at least not have given away it's location. So it was likely another magic user of some sort. Hopefully.
Were they like…?
Shaking away her thoughts, she put her hands out in a sign of peace.
"Um… hello?" she said, voice increasing in pitch. With the decreasing amount of people using magic, she wasn't about to make another enemy.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Maylynn looked around some more, that's when she sighted a head poking out if the water. It looked human to her, yet different. She let out a tiny shriek as she scurried away as best and as fast as she could. She found herself in a cold, dark and moist cave. It was more like a hole in the ground than a cave, but it was big, with a tiny stream flowing through it. She quickly drew a circle in the ground, with a few symbols around it, then one inside if it, a little lantern appeared in the middle, after saying something to herself. She held the lantern up, looking around, lizards and spiders swarmed the walls, the ceiling dropping water. She sets the lantern down in the wet floor, and looks around. She scoops up some water from the stream with her cupped hands, trying her best to wash of all if the blood and dirt. Her wings were broken beyond repair. She was devastated…. She loved roaming the skies freely alongside the birds, dancing with the wind. She would never be able to do that anymore,
"I might as well cut them off… They're going to get in the way if I can't use them…. "
She says out loud, yet to herself. Her soft voice echoing through the cave.
She slumps down, leaning on the cold wall of the cave, getting out piece if glass, getting ready to do the deed, she stops, yet another tear, trickled down her face, falling on her wet hands. She didn't want to let them go… But she didn't want any if this to happen and here she was.


Name: Daniel John Black (Danny)
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Species: Mythical Blood
Magic used: The magic of Death. He also has the ability to teleport things including people and himself with his Scythe and turn invisible with his cloak.
Appearance: Buzzed sides and a curly top of black hair. His eyes are almost black with streaks of grey running through them. He wears his cloak for important things but often seen with normal clothes. Although Danny is not pale, he is not noticeably tan either. He is slightly muscled.
Personality: Loves to joke and is light-hearted, but when he is angry or serious there is no joking with him.
Other: He is not actually Death, but he is the Descendant of Death. Danny can pass as a normal human but his Scythe and Cloak normally give him away, along with the black smoke that sometimes gathers around him on command or when he is anxious or surprised. Being the Descendant of Death means he cannot be completely killed, but he can be crippled and in severe pain.


Danny lands on all fours from a cloud of black smoke just outside of Maylynn's circle, gasping and shaking. With his Scythe in his right hand and his Cloak draped across his back, he gives a sigh of relief to be away from his tormentors. He lay there quietly for only a moment, then looks up to take in his surroundings. He is behind Maylynn and notices her quickly. When he does he freezes, and more black smoke surrounds him until he notices her ragged wings. He lets out another sigh of relief. He clears his throat quietly, and then again louder.
"Uh… heh, excuse me, ma'am. This is the forest, right?" He says, his voice very rough like he hasn't had water in a long time.