forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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She blinked, frowning slightly as she looked down at him. She felt like she should offer some form of comfort, but wasn't entirely sure how. The best she could think to do was place her hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly and letting it rest there. "That…makes sense." She said softly, wishing she could offer a bit more.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He sucked in a breath and lifted his head, offering Lily a smile as if nothing was wrong. "Ah, but I guess that's just not meant to be. I'm Heir and soon to be King, so I'll just have to suck it up and finally deal with this life without complaining. No more stealing from this thief."


"There really isn't any other option?" She asked quietly, letting go of his shoulder. After a slight moment of hesitation, she opened her arms a bit, offering a hug if he wanted one. "You shouldn't have to give up something so important to you, for a crown you don't even want that much."

@ElderGod-kirky group

He shifted slightly and loosely wrapped an arm around her waist, but shook his head anyway. "It's not that simple, even if there was a way I know of where I could give up the crown." He shook his head again and averted the majority of his thoughts to Lily instead, not wanting to dwell much on his sealed fate.


She rested an arm across his back, as though giving a side hug of sorts. "I'm sorry. You deserve happiness…maybe even a farm." She shot him a small smile, trying to cheer him up. "With ducks, and Kaspa, and fireflies. Peaceful and chaotic at the same time."

@ElderGod-kirky group

His eyes brightened some, and a small, genuine smile bloomed over his lips. "A farm? Weren't you just saying that I'd make a terrible farmer?" he asked with a hint of amusement, "Though, peaceful and chaotic at the same times sounds wonderful." He tilted his head and tapped his lips with his free hand. "Though…something's missing from the picture."


"I never said you would make a terrible farmer, just that you can't steal your neighbors' eggs." She pointed out, shaking her head and huffing a small laugh. "What do you think is missing, then?" She tilted her head, raising an eyebrow slightly at him.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"I can't be all alone—I'd never get anything done besides stealing my neighbors' eggs." He smirked down at her, tapping her nose. "I'd need someone who can put up with me and keep me on track, preferably someone that I quite like being around on a daily basis."


She blinked, her nose scrunching up out of habit as a light blush painted her cheeks. "Are-are you suggesting I be a part of that picture?" And gods, did it sound like a wonderful picture they had painted. "You really aren't that hard to put up with, you know."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Yes, I'm suggesting you be part of that picture," he said, green eyes soft and honest and unguarded, letting her see just how much he'd love to make that picture a reality—they. Not just him, but the both of them. Hell, he'd probably strap Cin down to a chair to make her figure out a way for him to get rid of his royal title if it meant making that scenario real.


"Oh." She breathed, her eyes flickering between his as though searching them for any sign of a lie, and coming up empty. "That sounds absolutely wonderful, then." She said, smiling softly. A quiet life, one with Rhydar, really did sound wonderful.

@ElderGod-kirky group

His smile mirrored hers, and he leaned forward to press a light kiss to her forehead, deeming that a safe place to kiss her without needing to ask. "I'm glad you think so," he murmured against her skin before pulling back, "because then I'm not making a complete idiot of myself."


"Of course you aren't. I think as long as I was with you, anywhere would be fine, but a farm…makes me think of home." She said, her smile a bit brighter after he'd kissed her forehead. The gesture always made her heart warm.

@ElderGod-kirky group

His eyes brightened with joy as he gazed down at her, happy to hear that and to see her brighter smile. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. His thumb idly ran circles over her waist from where his arm was still slung around her.


"A good thing." She assured, the corners of her eyes crinkling slightly with her smile. The circles on her waist were…oddly nice, a sort of soothing thing, especially when factoring in the fact that his hand hadn't moved from that spot. That was something she was incredibly grateful for. "Those are my fondest memories."

@ElderGod-kirky group

His smile warmed as he very briefly and lightly tightened his hold on her, then loosened it once again. "Good," he said with a small nod, "So you wouldn't be entirely opposed to dealing with my childish antics all on your own?" he then asked teasingly with a lopsided smile.


"Absolutely not. I'll be able to handle your 'childish antics' just fine, don't worry." She said with a small laugh, leaning into him a bit more in response to him tightening his arm. "They're even cute, occasionally." And they bring a smile with them most of the time, something I'll never be opposed to.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "I appreciate it," he said, his heart warming despite his chill outside demeanor. Rhydar was absolutely loving this time and attention from Lily, even if it was just her leaning on him while they chatted about a hypothetic future inside an exotic greenhouse.


Lily's face scrunched up at the same time that it brightened a bit. Gods, she really was a sucker for affection, wasn't she? "What else should we have on the farm? Chickens? Oh, can we grow strawberries?" The last part carried a small hint of excitement, even if it was just a pipe dream.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He grinned at her excitement, however small. "Yes, we can grow strawberries," he said with a hint of amusement. He then tilted his head to the side. "I believe I promised you a trip to strawberry picking, didn't I?" he mused, looking down at her with an arched brow.


Her smile brightened at the okay for growing strawberries, her eyes sparkling. "You did promise a trip, yesterday." She said, tilting her head the other way with a blink. "We never quite set any plans for that, though." If she was being honest, she was excited for that strawberry picking trip, whenever it would happen.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He looked at his wrist, which was devoid of a watch. "I'm pretty sure I can make room in my schedule for a strawberry picking day, at least for a few hours. What do you say?" He looked down at her with a tilted head, smile growing at the sight of her bright smile and sparkling eyes.


"I would absolutely love that." She said with a laugh, plopping her chin onto his shoulder as she smiled up at him. "When would those few hours be, exactly?" She asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. The sparkle in her eyes had noticeably grown with her excitement, her eyes taking on lighter colors, light blues and greens and even an almost silver.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He grinned and lightly kissed her nose before answering her. "Right now, if you want. Mother's busy with some group of Dukes or other high-class snobs, so she won't be looking for me for a while. You helped me with this boring stuff—it's only fair that I set aside some of my time for you. Not that I'm overly opposed to doing that anyway."


She closed her eyes briefly, her nose scrunching up slightly in response. "I'm glad you're not opposed, because I wouldn't want you feeling obligated to do something you really didn't want to." She said, furrowing her brows slightly before returning to her smile. "We should absolutely go now, that way you're less likely to have to worry about being pulled away. Only if you're sure you don't have anything important to do."