forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Gods, she found it incredibly hard to disagree with that expression on him. Opening her mouth, she paused, before nodding. "I-if it's not too much hassle though." She added quickly, shaking her head slightly. "But, if it's not, I'll try."

@ElderGod-kirky group

He smiled gratefully, straightening. "It's not, I promise. I'll have it to you by tomorrow night," he said. "And thank you, for at least trying. Might as well deal with two birds while we're at it, though not necessarily with one stone."


"Sadly, it makes sense." She said, shooting him a small and soft smile. "I'm really in no rush, so don't worry. But…thank you." She slid her hand from her pocket, holding it palm up in offering.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He offered a small smile of his own as he lightly gripped her hand, his thumb once again starting to draw invisible circles on the back of her hand. "You're quite welcome, milady. I'm looking forward to the day when you're feeling normal once more."


Her eyes flickered down to their hands as he took hers, her smile warming as he made circles with his thumb on her hand. "That day might be a while yet." She said, raising an eyebrow slightly as she looked up at him.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"But you'll get there," he said, lightly giving her hand a squeeze, "No matter how long, it's that it'll happen." He was glad that she was willing to work on her problems, even if he didn't have a reason for their existence in the first place. But that was minor compared to everything else.


You have so much more faith in me than I do. She tilted her head slightly as she looked up at him, a flicker of emotions crossing her face, and finally settling on that same hope. "You seem incredibly sure of that."

@ElderGod-kirky group

He hummed and tilted his head back, thinking. "Well, we've made out a few times after two days—I think two days?—and you hugged me. You can stand being near me a lot better than the first time we met, and you don't tense up or try to get away every time I touch you. Imagine how far you'll get in a week's time."


That familiar pink blush returned, in response to his mention of 'making out'. Was that what that was? She bit her lip for a moment, glancing away as he spoke. "I guess you have a point." She said, nodding. She paused to think, her nose scrunching slightly. "A week…"

@ElderGod-kirky group

He grinned when he saw her blush, then let go of her hand to come up behind her as she thought. He didn't touch her or anything, but he made his presence behind her known as he dipped his head by her ear. "You and me, cuddles and picnics in the meadows…" he murmured.


She blinked when he let go of her hand, tilting her head as she tucked it into her pocket once more. And then his lips were near her ear, a small and startled sound slipping from her as her blush deepened. He really was right about her progress, considering the flare of panic was small and momentary. "P-possibly." She managed to stutter out, biting her lip.

@ElderGod-kirky group

His smirk was back as he bit his lip near his ring, continuing to murmur into her ear. "I'd be able to hold you close, and you, me." He tilted his head so his lips just barely brushed her ear. "Stolen kisses as we pass by each other during the day…"


Her steps faltered enough to draw her to a stop, a small and not unwelcome shiver travelling down her spine. Dear gods… She took in a shaky breath, opening her mouth to respond and finding her mind curiously blank. If she was being honest, she wanted to keep listening.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He came to a halt as well, just barely managing to stop before he ran into her. His low voice didn't falter, however, as he once again continued. "And during those late nights where neither one of us can sleep, we'd curl up by a fireplace, just you and me. A goodnight kiss as we sadly part ways until the morning." His voice had gotten softer with each sentence, though not without kicking up the huskiness a half-notch.


That sounded like something from a dream she would have had when she was younger. She chewed her bottom lip, heart fluttering unevenly in her chest as he spoke. And his voice, soft and slightly husky and causing another small shiver. "Th-that sounds wonderful." She whispered, the quietness of her voice belying just how flustered she was.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Doesn't it?" he murmured, then pressed a featherlight kiss to the skin behind her ear. He was now standing as close as he could without actually touching her, besides his lips. "You think it'll happen?" he asked softly, his lips and breath brushing over her skin as he spoke.


Her sharp and startled inhale in response to the kiss was the only noise she could manage for a few moments. She blinked a few times, struggling to gather at least a bit of composure, enough to speak. "Maybe. I-it could, with some t-time." Too much time.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He backed away from her, briefly leaving her space before rounding around her to stand in front of her. His head was ducked, so their eyes were level; he lightly hooked two fingers around her wrists. "See? Something to look forward to," he said softly, "A goal to reach."


"Quite the goal." She breathed, her eyes settling on the bright green of his. And she desperately, desperately wanted to reach that goal. If it meant being able to kiss him longer, to hold him and not have to pull away so soon.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He smiled softly. "Keep that in mind, then." He tilted his head up to press a light kiss to her forehead, murmuring against her skin, "We should get going," before pulling back, letting go of her wrists and taking a step back from her. As much fun as it was flustering her, he was partially serious as well. It was all he hoped to be able to do with her, and if it took time for her to get there, then the wait would be well worth it.


"R-right. Yes, of course." She nodded, blinking a few times as she lifted a hand to brush her hair back from her face, reluctantly pulling her gaze from his face. Slowly, she turned to continue down the hallway, glancing back to make sure he was following. If he can believe it, why can't I?

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar was right behind her, easily making his way to her side. He glanced down at her and started to open his mouth to say something a few times, only to close it and look away, but was otherwise quiet. He didn't even know what he was going to say, but the silence was slightly grating on him. Did I push a button?


Lily chewed her bottom lip in thought, apparently unaware of Rhydar's doubts as she did. And then, without any sort of indication of the sudden movement, she was leaning against Rhydar somewhat as they walked. Little by little, she was going to get better. That had been decided already.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He looked down at her in surprise, then smiled softly and intertwined their fingers together, turning his head to press a light kiss to the top of her head. His heart warmed, knowing deep down that she would get back to normal in no time—if her current progress was any indication.


The corners of her mouth turned up in a small and happy smile, and she gave his hand a small squeeze. She tilted her head back just enough to smile up at him, expression once again unguarded and showcasing how…at peace she was.