forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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@ElderGod-kirky group

He kept his mouth shut, taking the hint that she didn't want to talk about it. He couldn't make out most of her words, but he had read her lips. A lot of things. That didn't help ease his heart, but it wasn't his secret to pry into. So he stayed silent, letting Lily do her thing.


She bit her lip, withdrawing her hand after a moment. "For eight years, I belonged to anyone but myself." That was about the extent of what she could get out, evident by her fingers digging into her wrist. "I think my abilities only heal plants, I've never tried on a human. I'm sorry." A plea for a subject change, at least until she wasn't worried about his injuries on top of her own issues.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He nodded in acknowledgment of her first admission, then rubbed at his sore jaw. "It's alright. I know pretty much all of our healers by name at this point, I go there so often. Man, those two packed one helluva punch." He made a noise in the back of his throat, then dug into his pocket. He brought out a gorgeous ruby necklace that had five real gems on the golden chain. A matching ring sat in his palm. "But at least I got something out of it."


"More treasure for that collection of yours." She said with a nod, leaning against the back of the bench. The relief at his willingness to accept that as an answer, and how easily he'd allowed her to change the subject, was almost overwhelming, and showed in her eyes. "At least you got something out of that, however worrying the situation is."

@ElderGod-kirky group

He shook his head and eyed the jewelry. "The papers said these beauts belonged to a Ms. Nia Tudor." He cast a glance Lily's way as he turned around again and leaned against the bench as well. "That strikes me as something odd, considering the mansion belonged to an unmarried, childless merchant by the name of Nour Gaber."


She furrowed her brows, chewing on her lip in thought. "Perhaps you came upon the stash of a fellow thief, then." She mused, sliding the ring off of her finger to hold it in her hand, hoping that there maybe was some sort of trouble-chasing magic attached to it. "Or they were bought?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

"No documents of purchase, just documents of inheritance. Miss. Tudor just lost her parents, and so she inherited the necklace, ring, and all sorts of stuff. All worth a pretty penny, that's for sure." He cocked his head to the side. "I believe it said that she was to inherit it all after the age of 18, so she has to be older than that."


"Interesting. I wonder what's become of this Miss. Tudor." She hummed thoughtfully, just slightly moving closer to him. His presence, especially in the face of her past, was a comfort. Even while focusing on something else.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He darted his eyes over to her, then back to the jewelry. "Who knows? If I were her, I'd want to have my family heirlooms back," he mused, tilting his head. He'd have to track her down and get more information on just what the merchant was hiding. No one had that good of security after just moving in, especially merchants.


"If you're planning on finding her, I would love to help where I can." She offered softly, tilting her head as she studied the jewelry in his hand. She had some experience finding people, or at least looking for them. There were only two people she'd managed to fully track down, but this had gotten in the way, somewhat.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"If you don't mind possibly dangerous breaking-and-entering," he said, only half joking. He looked back down at her and lowered the hand holding the jewelry until it rested in his lap. He knew he'd have to find another way into the merchant's mansion—preferably one where he wouldn't be caught.


"For a good cause, I don't mind." She said, nodding. She looked up at him, sliding the ring back onto her finger as her eyes flickered to his split lip again, before returning to his eyes. "I'm fairly good at being quiet, so it shouldn't be the hardest thing, either."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Then you're gonna have to teach me a thing or two," he joked with a wink, hoping to distract her from the somber subject they had just abandoned not too long ago. He tasted blood and licked his lip, then dapped it with a finger to see that it was bleeding again. "Damn, it just stopped not too long ago," he muttered.


"I might be able to." She said, the corner of her mouth quirking up into a small smile. She raised an eyebrow as he began bleeding again, reaching into one of her pockets. "I think…ah ha. There it is." She pulled out a small handkerchief, holding it up. "I was told these were something worth having, and apparently that was true. Here."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Why, thank you, milady," he said with a dramatic gentlemanly tone as he accepted the handkerchief. "But I really should be heading over to the healers before I start bloodying up the place. Cinthia will flay me alive if she sees me coming back like this." He scrunched up his face at just the thought, then shivered. His sister was surprisingly okay with his hobby, just as long as he didn't get caught. In her words, "It never happened if they never saw you to begin with."


She shook her head, huffing a soft laugh at the theatrics. "Probably for the best. Dying at the hands of your sister sounds oddly poetic, but I really would rather you stayed alive." She stood, and after a moment of slight hesitation, held out her hand to help him up. "She's not wrong though."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Aww, you care," he said with a small smile, pressing a hand to his chest. He then grabbed his shirt and pulled it back on. When she stood up and held out her hand, he was slightly surprised. He raised a brow as he cautiously took her hand. "Not wrong about what?" he asked.


"If nobody is actually aware you were ever there, then you weren't." She said, gently tugging him up from the bench. She didn't release his hand right away, almost as though considering not letting go at all. "And of course I care." Her smile grew a bit, softening at the same time.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He hummed and stood up, his fingers unconsciously wrapping around her hand to keep from losing their grip. His own smile softened slightly as he gazed down at her, eyes darting around her face as if memorizing it. "And I'm glad you do."


Her eyes flickered down to their clasped hands, but she didn't let go, looking back up at him instead. The way he was looking at her sent her heart fluttering again, and she brushed her hair back behind her ear with her free hand, glancing back towards the doors to the palace. "Would you…like some company on your way to the healers?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

The fact that she had yet to pull away startled him into silence for a while. He just stared at her, lips barely parted as he tried registering her words. Right, healers. Duh. I'm such a dumbass. "Uh." He licked his lips and tried again. "If the company's you, then it'd be most welcome."


She tilted her head slightly as she looked back at him, raising a brow in slight concern. "I'm glad to hear that. Are you sure you're alright though?" Lily, in all her glorious lack of observance when it came to situation like this, was worried she might have misjudged his injuries, and that he was bleeding internally.


((See you!))

Her shoulders relaxed slightly in relief, and she nodded, a light pink dusting her cheeks. "Sorry. I just-don't like seeing people hurt, I guess. Makes me worry."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Your concern is noted and appreciated," he said before jerking his head towards the palace. "C'mon, I'd like to get back to being unbroken sooner rather than later." His eyes sparkled slightly as he looked at her. Perhaps it was just the reflection of the stars winking to life, or perhaps it was his reaction to seeing her blush.