forum Far Off Places, Daring Sword Fights, Magic Spells, A Prince(ss) in Disguise [Closed]
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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@Imperfect_Autumn group

Lilah snuck out of the castle through the kitchen door. The stars shimmered in the sky, the moon was round and full, and crickets played their nightly song. Midnight, when everyone else was asleep, was the best time to get out and go for a ride.

After carefully making her way to the stable, Lilah quickly saddled her black stallion, Champion. Her bags attached to the saddle, she jumped up and nudged the horse toward the woods. Tonight, she would find adventure; she could just feel it.


Percival grabbed the next branch and hoisted himself up. He perched there, looking out over the tree tops. The castle stood in the distance, tall and proud. If only he could be there….serve there…..

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Once in the woods, Lilah slowed Champion down to a walk. There was no need to rush when she was out here; no one was looking for her. At least, not yet. She smiled when she thought of how her parents would react when they noticed she was gone. Until she realized that they probably wouldn't care. Not with her older brother, the Crown Prince Josiah, and her younger sister, Princess Allison, to keep them occupied.

She veered her horse around a tree, having almost run into it, and shook her head. This wasn't the time to be distracted by thinking about her family life; she needed to pay attention to where she was going so that she didn't run into anything.

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Alice was quietly walking in the woods, by herself. What she didn't expect was to crash into someone who was also walking in the middle of the night.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

"Woah, boy," Lilah murmured to her horse as he reared up. A person had scared him; a person falling from a tree. "Are you alright?" she asked the man on the ground, leaning over Champion's neck to see him.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

"Oookaaay…" Lilah's eyebrows scrunched in, her confusion evident. "It's just… Usually, people have reasons for doing things. For example, I calmed my horse down because you spooked him. Or… You fell out of the tree because the branch broke."

@Imperfect_Autumn group

The castle… Her castle?

No, the castle right next to it. Of course it was your castle!

But… He can't know who I am! My secret has to remain just that: a secret.

Her expression turned uninterested as she tried to hide her shock.

"Oh, really? I guess it's pretty nice," she said, not turning to look at it.