forum Fantasy/Modern small group (2/3) open **PLEASE JOIN**
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@CaseyJ group

(PLOT UPDATE : so I forgot to put it, but Izadora, is supposed to go to the city to see Connor to ask for advice. Of course, how/why she does is up to you. They later go on a quest to collect the 'keys' needed to defeat the Tyrant.)

The leaders head snapped to the direction of Izadora, not seeing her he shook his head and proceed to kill someone else, *"I can sense your presence, Come out and surrender to me"

(this is the last rp post between me and you ink)

@CaseyJ group

The leader looked around, watching closely "If you come out now, I might spare you, or you could flee, after all, there is no way you can defeat us" He said with a smirk, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

Once the person paid and left, Connor sat back and stretched, it was quite tiring talking to people, it was so much easier to sign or write what he wanted to say, but most people don't understand sign, and are to lazy to read what he writes. He looked around, not standing up, for Taylor.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Taylor ran in with a basket on his arm. "Your things." he said as he set the basket down. Then he went back outside to grab something. When he returned, he was carrying a cage covered with a cloth. Taylor set the cage down on the table and wiped the cloth covering it off. "ta da!" It was a bunny. she was white with varying shapes of grey spots on her back. Her ears were floppy and soft. and her nose wiggled as she looked around. "I got a rabbit." He said proudly.

@CaseyJ group

The soldier stepped closer to Izadora, "this is your last chance, surrender now, or I will end you. Of course, if I cannot find you, I will start killing off the children. One by one." He said, his eyes scanning the space in front of him

Connor tilted his head to the side, 'why did you bring a bunny?' he signed, feeling tired of talking with customers, he decided it was easier to just sign, 'I mean, it is cute, but..why?'. He said, sticking one hand up to the cage to greet the rabbit.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

"You ask me why without giving me an alternative, so why not bring a bunny? Love her. I think I shall name her Pebbles. do you like it? the name I mean." then, without whiting for a response, Taylor opened the cage picked up Pebbles and put a tiny hat on her.

@CaseyJ group

Connor let out a silent chuckle, 'a hat? you can keep her, but don't let her disrupt my work' he signed. "I had a vision" he said, after a moment, signing it wouldn't be as effective as him saying it. He waited for Taylor to ask about it.