forum Elemental kingdoms (STILL OPEN 2/4/24) Large group.3/?
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@CaseyJ group

"Oh yeah, but like, I am her friend… I am everyone's friend." Elias grinned, wrapping his arm around Devon, "this is um, my boyfriend. Yep". Devon glanced at Elias with an annoyed glare.

Deleted user

(So this whole meeting is going on seperate from the seasonal meeting between kingdoms?)

@CaseyJ group

Devon grabbed Elias by the back of the neck and glared, "Why did you say that?"

"So he wouldn't question you being with me. Besides, most people know I mess around with a lot of people." Elias shrugged, not seeing the issue.

"I am not your boyfriend, your like a lost dog following me around." Devon released Elias with a roll of his eyes.

@Serenity88 group


Ginger was stretching her legs out before a workout. She didn't usually work out, but she had gotten bored and was genuinely curious how well she would do if she picked a difficult one. After the workout, she planned on either reading or throwing Shurikens (ninja stars, I wanted the proper name).
A knock on her bedchamber door made her head snap around. Walking confidently, she strode to the door and whisked it open, putting on her best "you have disturbed my majesty now what do you want" look. She was garbed in a burnt umber athletic sports bra and matching leggings that made her legs look really long.
"Yes, Cimbaline?" It amused her, to some extent, to act so very imperious when she really didn't mind and see the reactions. It was also good practice for when she had to actually act like a Royal.

Deleted user

Talia sneaks through the Fire Kingdoms hallways. This was possibly the most out of bounds thing she had done, but after hearing all the rumours about the Fire Kingdom's castle, she had to check it out in detail. As she tiptoes through the halls, she sees 3 different people, one a Fire Kingdom man, and 2 others clearly from different Kingdoms. Hm. Weird. From around the corner, she watches them, curious about what that strange bunch was doing.

@Serenity88 group

Ginger didn't try to hide the confusion. "Elias? That guy? Since when does he have a boyfriend?" She took a breath, re-composing herself. "Thank you, Cimbaline. Tell them I'll see them in the back garden by the fountain. Might have to show them the way."
Elias…Wasnt he hitting me up two years ago for a dare? Damn, what could this guy want, so far from home? She mulled all this over I her head as she dressed in more appropriate clothes for meeting a fellow Heir. Dark cargo pants, a fitted orange tank top with black designs on all the hems, and a sleek tiara her father insisted she wear around company.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Cimbaline nodded, heading back to the doors, accompanied by two guards. Opening the door fully, Cimbaline bowed again, motioning inside. "Come on in. I'll lead you to the garden, she'll meet with you by the fountain." He said the guards taking their places behind the visitors.

Meanwhile, Ciana quickly warped a bit of light around her, illusioning her to look like a guard, and fell into place behind them as well. The other guards didn't seem to think anything weird of it, guards fell into place all the time. they didn't question it. Neither did Cimbaline.

@CaseyJ group

Elias grinned and looped his arm with Devon's the taller male looking uncomfortable. He skipped behind Cimbaline. Elias was wearing dark green cargo shorts, and bright yellow t-shirt, and an orange sleeveless button up unbuttoned overtop. His bright colors a direct contrast to Devon's black outfit and mask.

@Serenity88 group

(bro gonna blind the kingdom with that fit🤣)

Watching the group from a window in the hall outside her bedroom, Ginger pondered the possible reasons for their visit. Three stories below, the brightly colored Electric prince had his arm looped with a tall guy's. She squinted her amber eyes at the masked guy, as if she could penetrate the mask with sheer willpower.
With nothing else to observe, she headed down to the fountain.

She stepped around a corner, proceeded through a decorative arch and faced the pair. Cimbaline had left, but one guard stood a within eyeshot but outside earshot. She stopped about fifteen feet away, crossed her arms and tilted her chin. The hours of practicing her imperious stare had her well-prepared for keeping a straight face in front the cute Electric prince and mysterious stranger. "So, Elias?" She left her question hanging in the humid air.

(I figured Cimbaline would have left, but Ciana is still disguised as a guard, yes? thought id include that detail, let me know if it was out of line.)

@CaseyJ group

Elias grinned, letting go of Devon and reaching out to hug Ginger, "hello my dear friend, how have you been? It's been awhile. I just have a weee little favor to ask".

Devon crossed his arms, looking around, this was not going to work, there was no way Elias could pull this off, it would have been much easier for him to sneak in and do it himself without them knowing. He sighed, running his hand underneath his mask to rub his eyes, which caused it to lift up, slightly showing his scars.

@Serenity88 group

Ginger, who secretly did have a small soft spot for Elias– she thought of him as a cute, friendly little animal– allowed the hug and squeezed his torso with one arm. "Well enough, I have a fiancé now. What favor? And who's this guy?"
She did notice Devon's face, and wondered ever more about Elias's strange new boyfriend.

@CaseyJ group

Elias jumped back, "You have a what? whoo? there is no way they are as good as me, I am one of a kind and way to cool" Elias beemed. "Sooo, will you help me with my favor?"

@Serenity88 group

Ginger tilted her head back and chuckled. "No, I'm still an eligible single Heir, I'm just messin' with you. What is your favor to ask of me?" Her expression settled back into seriousness, but mirth still twinkled in her eyes. She wouldn't admit it, but Einar was one of the few people she didn't mind being around; almost a friend.
"And don't think you can just leave your boyfriend standing there, un-introduced! Come on then, where are your manners, Heir?"

(I like Einar a lot, he's cute.)

@CaseyJ group

Elias chuckled, "oh Um… this is Dev, he's… not really my boyfriend… just a friend, but I didn't want anyone to not let him in, he is a little intimidating." Elias pulled Devon forward. "We just want to see your source. You know, where you magic comes from. I want to see the differences between mine and others. If thats ok"