forum Crystal ice (open fantasy roleplay!)
Started by @burning-my-bridges

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(Cool cool
Name: Lycan
Gender: Male
Species: Hellhound
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Age: 6 months
Appearance: Black with glowing red accents and eyes, Fluffy, Pretty small for a hellhound (which would make him slightly bigger than the average gray wolf when full grown)
Personality: Fiercely loyal to anyone he trusts and very protective of them, Typically 'All bark and no bite', but is more than willing to fight for his trusted people
Class/job: Companion
Backstory: He was born in the tundra, which obviously is a very bad place for a hellhound to be. His mother froze to death soon after giving birth to him and he was trapped and defenseless. However, (enter one of your characters who wants to be his main 'person') found him and raised him, earning his trust and eternal loyalty.
Other: Can summon fire and is always warm to the touch)


Beatriz was lost. Her face felt like ice and she had almost given up hope when she came across the small town. Her whole body shuddered, reminding her that she had to get warm soon. She collapsed against the side of the first building she saw and tried to get her bearings.


Her heart leaped when she saw the small market. She hurried over to a stand selling fruit and payed for 1 apple-like fruit.


(@DuskToDawnz sure!)
Lycan padded up beside Teo and sniffed the unfamiliar girl suspiciously. She didn't seem to be dangerous, but he looked up at Teo as though asking for further instruction. He emitted an aura of warmth as he stood there, taking the edge off of the bitter cold for all those within a few feet of him.

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"have three" he passed her 3 silvers "i cant find those herbs anywhere"


Lycan shied away from the girl's hand at first, but allowed her to pet him after a moment. His tail wagged softly and the heat intensified.


“Oh,…..thank you!” Camilla said, surprise in her eyes. That’s when she noticed the girl. She had striking black hair, and was eating an apple. Camilla’s eyes glanced over her pockets, looking for weapons. She didn’t seem like a threat. Camilla let the dog sniff her hand.

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"sure, you can stay at my home for a bit, but may i ask who you are?"

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"hm im an alchemist, so i have medicinal herbs that you can use"


Beatriz slumped. "I'm 10 miles from my group!" She moaned. Her leg started shaking. "I need to get inside now, if that's possible."


Who are these female humans? Lycan drew nearer to Teo. However, master will not want to become mates with them. He has never shown interest in females. He sniffed the air, gradually causing himself to emit more heat when he noticed how cold the humans were.


Camilla was anxious to be included. She too had been lost, after running from her aunt’s. But it was obvious they were striking up their own conversation, so Camilla bent down to pet the dog.

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"sure my home is about a minute walk from here. are you injured?"