forum Warrior Cats one on one rp? 1//1 CLOSED
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

please don't use asterisks.
Here's my character (He doesn't have to be leader thats just what he is here)
Name: Frozenstar
Past: Frozenkit, Frozenpaw, Frozenrunner
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Fur Color: White with jet black stripes
Eye Color: Amber
Clan: StoneClan
Position: Leader
Mother: Crowheart (deceased)
Father: Snowystar (deceased)
Siblings: Ravenwing (Deceased)
Mate(s): Winterfoot, Vineivy
Kits: Autumnleaf, Summerblaze Springstar
(step), Freezerush, Branchtail, Hayclaw,
Nightwing, Boulderclaw
Mentor: Lightningfoot, Powdersnow, Maplefrost
Apprentices: Rhinostep
Death: Killed in battle
Position at death: Leader of StoneClan
Lyrical Description: A massive white tabby tom with broad shoulders and an overly large head and paws. Is very protective and can often seem cold or cut off. But once you get to know him he can be very tender hearted and caring. He would give up anything for his Clan and the ones he loves, even his lives


Name: Gladiolas
Past name(s): Julie, Kitty Cat
Past: Stray cat
Gender: F
Family: her mother's name was Juni, she didnt know her father. As for siblings, shes got no clue.
Appearance: (but a little more weathered. She is a stray after all)
Personality: quiet, reserved, but not shy. She can handle herself and it takes a lot to make her freak out. More often than not she's more irritated than scared. Despite her attitude, she can be pretty understanding to a degree.
Mate: ehh no

Deleted user

Ooh I like her. you want to do a romance between them? It can be well developed though. Not that love at first sight rubbish//



Gladiolas lifted her face to the wind and sun. Westward she headed, to the scent of rain and forest. Out of the plains and rocks to some sort of safety.

Deleted user

Frozenstar sat on the edge of the ledge outside of the StoneClan camp. A slight breeze blew across his face, fluttering his tabby fur slightly. His massive paws shuffled slightly, dislodging the small dusting of snow that had settled on top of the already White pelt


Bruh i used to rp on the barnes n noble nook when i was in middle school
I made this clan called Celestialclan and i was like a q u e e n )
It was the highlight of my middle school experience. Lol )

Gladiolas paused in her tracks. Her ears swiveled forward like satellite dishes, eyes locking on his form– freezing, as to not attract his attention.

Deleted user


Frozenstar sighted movement in the distance. He perked his ears and stood, flaring his nostrils and parting his jaws slightly to try and identify the scent. His eyes narrowed and with a few quick leaps was on the grass, padding forward slightly

Deleted user

"Who are you and what are you doing on StoneClan land?" Frozenstar boomed, his voice deep and, while usually gentle, fierce. (Like Mufasa from the Lion King)
the massive white tabby padded forward, his muscles rippling beneath a shining pelt, freshly groomed

Deleted user

Frozenstar lifted his head, looking at the she-cat. Her fur was matted and eyes sharp as if she had been alone for a long time. One sniff told him she wasn't from any Clan he knew of. Many cats, especially from other Clans, disapproved of his open nature, but he'd learned it from his father. And, well, old habits die hard.
"What is your name?" he asked, his deep voice sliding into the gentle tone that it normally was at. His hackles fell flat and his muscles relaxed, knowing she was no threat

Deleted user

"I'm Frozenstar of StoneClan," he introduced himself, "You look as if you haven't had a good sleep or food for awhile. Why don't you come back to camp and we'll get you a nest and some fresh kill," he offered. And he meant it. At least a night, no strings attached just a place to rest for a bit

Deleted user

Frozenstar flicked an ear, "Because you look like you need a place to rest, at least for a bit. Plus we have plenty of space and prey to spare. Why wouldn't we?" he smiled softly

Deleted user

Frozenstar dipped his head and turned, padding through the grass to the camp. He leapt up onto the ledge and slid into the cavern. It opened up into a large cave with smaller openings lining the outside that lead to smaller dens. Cats milled around the camp, bringing in prey, moving nests, sharing tongues, all under the shelter of a thick stone roof