forum UnOrdinary RP (OPEN)
Started by @ScarletAndHerSides

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Disclaimer: If you haven’t read UnOrdinary, it may not be the smartest to join this role play…

P L O T : … the one in UnOrdinary I guess. :/


  • No extreme cursing or cussing. … Unless you got your limb chopped off or something. :/
  • No OP characters.
  • Please don’t make everyone a God-tier
  • They can’t manipulate a full element. Like, maybe they can control fire, but they can’t summon it.
  • Keep it at least PG-13.
  • Please respect my decisions.


Tier/Power level:

(This will be determined when everyone makes their characters. .-.)


My form:

Name: London Ridge
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: ^cough^ Develop. >.>
Appearance: White fluffy hair, amber eyes, pale skin, 6’2”.
Power: Healing
Tier/Power level: 5.8
Other: How is healer a high-tier? Well you see, ahem (Thanks Lu):
Like the whole basis around healing is "manipulating flesh to fix it" in essence.
The way you see Elaine do it is she just kinda hovers her hand there, right?
And there's mental concentration.
So we could probably safely assume she's going through some pattern in her mind, weaving it back together.
The way Emily does in Avalon.
Therefore, hypothetically, if you do the opposite, London could actually break your bones and tear apart your flesh.


Name: Reyna Hearts
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: our queen be bi
Personality: develop
Appearance: Kira Rausch is the official face claim but otherwise redhead and amber eyes? kinda pale, v freckles
Power: Arachnid
Tier/Power level: high, 5.1
Other: depends

Name: Marcus Fa
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: gay
Personality: develop
Appearance: he the Asian boy. v pretty?? tan skin, blue hair, dark eyes.
Power: it’s really hecking long so like, ima copy and paste it at the bottom later
Tier/Power level: high, 6.7
Other: develop

Name: Alaric Fox
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: very down for anything
Personality: develop
Appearance: Short, fluffy green hair, gold eyes, tanned idk how else to describe people
Power: Stone Skin
Tier/Power level: mid-tier, 3.4
Other: develop


//So on that whole power thing - here’s some stuff I pulled from comments from the Wiki which I liked
“(John's) original power is Aura detection: he can detect anyone with an ability (activated or not)
An ability is basically an aura that is shaped in various forms (take chakra for example in Naruto)
Different shapes = Different abilities
John's ability was weak, probably the weakest (=bullying and being mistreated)
John trained a lot, and got able to "see" and "sense" the shapes of the auras of other people
The ability John acquired with intense training is Aura control: he can shape his aura into the same form the other person has, and can even upgrade them, has better control, and even create inventive ways of improving/using them
If he remembers the shape of the aura he used, he can reuse it as long as he remembers it
So with the knowledge and mastery of auras he has, he could possibly fuse different abilities, know the strenghts and weaknesses of every ability he "senses" and possibly cancel these weaknesses by changing his fighting style (since he is very good at fighting, has lot of experience regarding auras and abilities, fought a lot with loads of people, and knows probably many martial arts) or adding abilities together to cancel these weaknesses.
So, a good technique to take him out is to bring a taser.“
Meaning, I’d shove Marcus’s stats somewhere in between the original detection and where John is now, probably a little more than halfway
So he can’t mimic more than one power at once, he can’t use any he’s seen from the past, and he can’t do it until the other person activates theirs. It also takes him a moment to mimic the aura, leaving a blind spot right at the beginning of the match.


Name: Amaya Tokuhei
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: impulsive, hot-headed, quick to act, but also analytical in battle. She’s a good improviser as well.
Appearance: Short and choppy bob brown at the roots fading to a dark orange then a lighter orange, tan skin, ice blue eyes
Power: She can manipulate the wind around her. Yeah, pretty simple, but also powerful. She can also make it materialize for a short bit.
Tier/Power level: 6.7
Other: I’m bad at making characters ;-;

Is this ok?//