forum Star Wars OxO with Winter
Started by @FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“If you want to help me, I won't turn you away.” Calista smirked. “There are several colors and, yes, white and purple are options. There are different meanings for a white-bladed saber. One that I remember is that… well, I suppose that I should start by telling you that a red-bladed saber is a sign of a Sith or someone who uses the Dark Side. That color is caused by one of two ways; a synthetic kyber crystal or the simple corruption of the Dark Side causes the crystal to “bleed” in a sense. Now, one meaning of a white blade is that someone took a saber from a Sith or Dark Side user and “healed” the crystal.” she told him, even though she remembered there being some debate on that. “Now, I only knew of one Jedi with a purple blade, Master Mace Windu and it was suspected, at least, that while he was a Light Side user and a powerful Jedi… there were some rumors that he didn't always do things that other Jedi or the Council approved of.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin nodded.
Sure. Let me put up my hair. It's kind of raggedy. Also, on the topic of my hair, can you show me how to braid it? You know. Just for future reference. What do you need done food wise? I'm semi decent at chopping things up. I can also fix a sink if something goes wrong. I know for sure that's something I can do."
He pulled a strip of cloth from a pocket on his clothes and tied up his hair.
" Well, since there isn't a council left, it sounds like we won't be doing things the most conventional way. All the colors of the lightsaber are very interesting. I think I might like a yellow one. But as it sounds, it sounds like I can't choose. It chooses me."
Dex dropped off of Hawkin's shoulders.
"You would be correct. The crystal in the saber chooses you. You don't choose it."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Of course, I can show you how to braid it but if, like you said, we're not strictly sticking to convention… then we can skip the traditional Padawan haircut. I never thought it was very good.” she chuckled, remembering the difference between the style for male and female Padawans and the awkward phase when a Padawan had been Knighted and let their hair grow out. “Well, let’s see what we can make. Let me know if you come up with any suggestions.”

She nodded as Dex confirmed the information about crystals. “It used to be, when a Youngling was old enough, their group would go to Illum with a couple of Masters and the Younglings would use the Force to find the best kyber crystal to use for their saber. Of course, as they grew, they could make a new one that better reflected them and what kind of Jedi they were or could be.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin laughed.
“I’ve spent far too long growing my hair out. I came definitely do the braid, but cutting my hair and starting from scratch would make me feel not great. My hair holds memory in a way. Let’s me kind of reflect on where I’ve come from.”
He walked into the small kitchen.
“Will I have to go to Ilum? Or will I find a crystal elsewhere? As for what you have in the kitchen, I have no clue what any of this stuff is. Never seen a kitchen this stocked.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Understandable.” Calista nodded, not minding the decision to not cut his hair. With the number of Jedi and Force-Sensitives being so low, they had a bit more liberty to make new traditions or revive old ones that Dex knew about.
“How about some Purlah soup? I think I have everything for it.” she suggested before shrugging at his own question. “I’ll have to check some New Republic files, but assuming Illum is still somewhere we can travel to… we can go there for your crystal once you are ready to handle that part of your training. Otherwise, we’ll find one another way.” she assured.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Help me cut up some of these ingredients?” she asked, grabbing what was necessary for the recipe. “It is a pretty good soup… much better than womp rat stew, in my opinion.” she added with a chuckle.

Calista nodded thoughtfully. “Illum was definitely a cold planet. Now I wasn't on Hoth at any time but I don't think Illum was that cold. I remember the crystals were in caverns and caves underground and they were beautiful. The whole place sparked and lit up with just one light source.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin looked around the kitchen and grabbed a small knife.
“I in fact know how to cut up ingredients. I can do that. Illum sounds beautiful. But I don’t know how well I’d handle. I struggle to deal with Coruscant. Kiffu is a hot, dry place, with frequent dust storms.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista smiled a little and did her part in making the soup with him. “We’d get the right equipment before going. I’m not going to let my Padawan freeze.” she teased lightly. “Kiffu sounds a lot like what I heard about Tatooine.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

"A frozen Kiffar. Some beast might think that I'm a delicacy. We best prevent that. And I've never been to Tatooine. But if it's hot, always sunny, and a desert, with things that live under the sand, then yes. They are very similar. Except we have some wretched mountains known for lightning storms."
He continued chopping.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista couldn't help laughing a little at the quip and nodded. “Well, when you phrase it that way…” she trailed off with a smile. Though she shrugged at the comparison of the two desert planets. “I've never been there either. But I did hear that Tatooine has two suns, which I think would attribute to the condition of the planet. Though those lighting mountains sound interesting… from a distance.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin laughed with Calista.
"Ouch. Two suns is a little excessive. That planet seems too hot. The mountains were interesting, but in order to power the planet, we never really could ignore the lightning storms. Everyone had to put on protective gear and go out and try to capture the electricity and energy that the storms gave off. There were accidents, but that comes with the territory. We had rulers at one point, but no one knows what happened to them."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

"I agree. However, I think that systems with multiple moons are beautiful." Calista smiled a little. Though she gave a thoughtful hum as he told her more about Kiffu. "Well, that sounds like something we can look into and perhaps find a way to help."

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin finished chopping and poured what he had chopped into the soup.
"I haven't seen a moon in ages. I want to go to a planet where the moon is huge. Like when it rises it's just all you can really see. I think that would be really, really nice. As for the energy, Kiffu has done it for centuries. My people are just as stubborn as Mandalorians when it comes to tradition."
He gestured to the tattoo across his face.
"Hence the gold band across my nose. I'm not complaining about it, it's really cool, but it does stand out in a crowd. Is there anything you really want to know about Kiffu? I can tell you what I remember it being like, not what it is now."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista added a couple of the necessary spices and herbs to the soup soon after and nodded. “I saw a lot of moons when I was traveling all over the galaxy but I have holos of some of my favorites if you want to look at those until we actually get to go traveling.” she offered, even though she knew that looking at holos wasn't the same as seeing the real thing. Though she smiled at the mention of traditions. “I’ll have to take your word for it. But I want to add that the Jedi I grew up surrounded by in the Temple had quite a few of their own traditions that they refused to abandon. I’m sure Dex can give examples of some of them but I’m really interested in the ones we did forget about.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin grabbed a spoon.
"That sounds amazing. I would love to look at the holos. They'll suffice until I can see a real moonrise. Tell me, were there any Kiffar Jedi? Or do you remember hearing of any?"
Dex jumped in.
"I can answer that question. In the High Republic, there were certainly Kiffar Jedi. They were rare, but I do remember a few. They were typically what I call shadows. They could make themselves invisible. With their force echoes, they could in theory, hide in the past while still be in the present. That helped create several networks for spies, resources, and information to go through without being traced. It was amazing. As for currently, being connected to the holonet as you so called it, my systems have updated. I know of one Jedi. The name might be familiar to you Calista. Does a Quinlan Vos ring a bell? In the archives it does his saber was retrieved. It should be with the Jedi artifacts. Where those are I don't know."
Dex paused for a moment, and hopped up onto the table.
"As for traditions in the High Republic, there were some drastic differences, but there were a lot of similarities. For instance, the Jedi of the High Republic were encouraged to seek relationships. Whether any Force sensitive children came of those relationships, I do not know. There was freedom of creativity, and any Jedi could really choose what they wanted to be. From a Historian to a Temple Guardian, there was no war to force you to become a soldier. That is, until the end of my era. Then you had the eternal green friend of a Jedi, Yoda was his name. I gathered that from the holonet. He forbade relationships. He saw the good and bad they caused, and I have to disagree with him. There was more good that came from two Jedi being bonded with each other. They were grounded. Yoda only said it caused distraction."
Dex let loose a whoosh of air.
"He always wanted to be high and mighty with everything. I know he didn't lead to the fall, but he certainly contributed to it. He could never agree or let things be. But enough about him. What else do you want to know?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista used the Force to get two dishes for them as the soup simmered, and shrugged at Hawkin’s question. “I don't remember seeing a Kiffar Jedi… but the name Quinlan Vos sounds familiar.” she nodded when Dex added his information. “I know where the Jedi archives are. We can check them out together.”
She listened closely to Dex as he told them about the old traditions, and was surprised that relationships were not forbidden. Though she knew about how Jedi were able to choose their “profession” before the war… though the news about creativity was something she hadn't thought about. Then again Dex was talking about the High Republic, a time known for its creativity and artistic influence.
“You know this is probably the first time I’ve heard anyone call Master Yoda a friend or disagree with the decisions he made as the head of the Jedi Council.” she smirked. “I won't argue that he may have contributed to the Fall of the Jedi, but I believe it was more because he was put into a job better fitting a political admin for the Senate. And his age may have affected things too. I mean he was getting close to 900… some thought that made him wiser because of his life experiences but not all Jedi lived that long. And chances are his age really just distanced his… relatability to the rest of the Jedi.” she pointed out.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin watched the dishes float in fascination.
"The archives sounds so cool. What do you think I'll get to see?"
Dex responded to Calista.
"I call him what I call him. He was weird and had a distrust for droids last time I saw him. Age was certainly a factor. He spoke in riddles and few got what he meant. As for 900, I never thought he'd make it that long. He was around 680 years old last time I saw him. I can admit that he was amazing at teaching lightsaber combat. He was virtually unmatched. Even at his old age."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista shrugged at Hawkin’s question as she served the soup. “These days, I don't really know. It used to be filled with all kinds of knowledge about Jedi history and artifacts, though you had to be a Master to access certain files or artifacts, but when I went back there for the first time since I've been here… a lot of files were missing. Raided by scavengers and the Empire, no doubt. Restoring any of that would take a long time.”
She chuckled at Dex’s opinions on Master Yoda but nodded. “During the Clone War, I think everyone had some level of distrust towards droids because the Separatists had a droid army fighting for them… but I don't know why Master Yoda would have felt that way before that.” she admitted. “Though I agree his riddles were not always helpful and I heard about his mastery of lightsaber combat was incredible. I was in a class of Younglings that he was teaching basic Force application for lightsabers to before that war started.” she smiled at the memory.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin looked at the dish full of soup. It looked wonderful, and smelled even better.
"Calista this looks amazing. And I would love to see what remains in the archives. Dex has unfortunately piqued my interest with the mention of Quinlan Vos and the possibility that his saber is somewhere in there. That would be something I just couldn't not touch. To see my own kind, as what I have the potential to be? That's just something that calls to me. That is a longing I never knew I had wanted, but it's something I do want now."
Dex whirred and turned towards Calista.
"I'm going to apologize for entertaining this idea in his head."
He jumped up onto the table, and got close to her, in a way that could be assumed that he was whispering, even thought the droid's volume didn't change.
"Between you and me, he's a little-"
The droid picked up his foot and did a circular motion close to his head.
"A little crazy. I do have to say though, his tenacity and willingness to learn is few and far between. Most padawan's learn it in time. But I do think his time in the underbelly contributed to that. I must say Jedi Master Calista, you might have found a good one."
The droid jumped down and walked across the room.
"I'm over here now so you can't pour soup on my circuits.
"Yoda was distrustful of droids because he saw them as easily disposable tools rather than companions and helpers. I will short all my circuits and cease to function and die on the scrapheap."
Hawking laughed at the dramatics of the droid.
"Dex if you shorted all your circuits out, I would be able to fix you. However I would like to know what kind of spice your creator was snorting because I've never met a droid with such an affinity for drama. You certainly are one of a kind."
Dex walked over to beside Hawkin.
"Hey now, I just talked you up. I'm a sensitive droid. Plus I'm old. I'm an old droid who is crazy. It's your fault for waking me back up you know."
Hawkin rolled his eyes, and picked up a spoon, and gently tapped Dex on the head with it.
"Oh hush now. I've only known you for a few hours and you have somehow become the biggest blessing and pain in my side. I don't know how that is even possible."
Dex, in all droid fashion, became stiff and fell to the ground, and with as much sarcasm as a droid could convey, he said,
"I am going to cease to exist because you hit me on my head with a spoon. This is your fault, I shall die…"
Hawkin rolled his eyes and looked back at Calista.
"I have managed to find the most dramatic droid in the entire galaxy."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I don't blame you. I have to admit, I’m curious about Master Quinlan Vos as well. And I won't stop you if we find his saber.” Calista smiled at her Padawan as Dex jumped onto the counter. “Oh, you don't have to apologize for that. He probably would have found out one way or another, I’m just glad it was from a friend.”
She couldn't help rolling her eyes as Dex called Hawkin crazy, though when Dex called her by that title, she could feel her face warm. She still didn't feel like she had earned the right to be called a Jedi Master and she felt nothing from the Force to confirm or deny that fact.
She nodded at the explanation of Yoda’s opinions on droids before wincing slightly as the thought of the Clones the Jedi fought beside came into her. Many Masters and Knights cared about their troops but…
Dex’s dramatics caught her off guard before she could get too lost down that train of thought and she was barely able to hold back her own laughter at the shared antics between her companions.
“More like the most dramatic droid of his build.” she smirked. “One time I overheard a Knight complaining to his Master about a protocol droid who had become rather annoying despite how helpful he was. Then the Master brought up some comment about the Knight’s astromech having a few loose wires.” she chuckled.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Dex stood back up.
"You're telling me. Every astromech I've ever had the chance to meet has had several wires, and screws loose. It has to be something they put into their code."
Hawkin laughed, and looked down at the droid after what Calista had said, and smiled.
"You feeling better after your spiral of dramatics?"
Dex looked up at Hawkin.
"Yes. But I can spiral again for dramatic effect."
Hawkin rolled his eyes.
"Let's not. I do appreicate your dramatics, but I prefer to eat my soup without the dramatics falling in there."
Dex whirred and for a droid he was very expressive. He looked like he realaxed.
"Alright, alright. I won't get my dramatics in your soup."
Dex turned around and paused.
"Wait a moment, dramatics can't get into your soup. You scoundrel, you told me to be quiet!"
Hawkin blew on a spoonful of soup.
"I did in fact tell you to quiet down."
Dex collasped on the floor.
"Calista, Hawkin no longer likes me. I am up for auction, I shall start the bidding at one million credits. I value myself. You have first choice."
Hawkin once again rolled his eyes at the droid's antics.
"Don't listen to him, he's being even more dramatic and the dramatics are getting everywhere, In my soup, the wall, in your soup, just so much drama coming from a little droid. I appreciate that you won't stop me from touching Quinlan Vos' saber if we find it in the archives. I just feel like it would answer some questions about a lot of things for me. But before I do that, I need to find a way to manage the headaches that come from getting these Force echoes, memories, whatever you call them."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista was still smiling from the comedy worthy of the Senate’s attention by Dex when he and Hawkin’s started on act two. Of course, she almost blamed this one on Hawkin starting it, since he got Dex to do a double-take.
“Even if I was interested in buying you, Dex, I don't have one million credits.” she pointed out with a smirk as she gestured to her humble apartment. “But I have no doubt that he does still like you. Otherwise, you probably wouldn't be here right now.”
She nodded slightly at Hawkin. “Don't worry. I can handle it. As for your headaches… using the Force is like using any other muscle. Before, these Echoes were overwhelming. You were not prepared for them. The more you practice and strengthen your mental shields, I believe the headaches will lessen.”