forum Star Wars OxO with Winter
Started by @FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Have fun, Lorain.” Calista bid as the receptionist walked off before addressing the boy again. “Yes. I am Jedi Calista Veran.” she nodded. “And I’m sure you did good work with the repairs. Now, let's see what we can find out.” she smiled turning to the droid. “What are you called?”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawking shrugged.
“I have a few names. Like come here boy, a sharp whistle, Hawk, Flyboy, ya name it. However, my full name is Hawkin Jaegerfly. I made up my last name when I came to Coruscant.”
He pointed to the golden band across his nose.
“This means I’m from the clan of the lost on Kiffu. Those born without a name, or those who have lost it because of being abandoned or orphaned. For me, I don’t know. I’m just Hawkin. I exist. I came to Coruscant when I was eleven. And I’ve been here since. It’s been four or five years since then.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista raised a brow at the first two “names” he mentioned but nodded slightly at the rest of the information. “Jaegerfly. A creative name.” she smiled warmly, though she was curious as to which of those situations caused Hawkin to not have a family name. “And does your droid have a name as well? Or at least a number?” she asked since the droid was the reason Hawkin was here.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin smiled sheepishly.
"Yeah it is. But I was eleven when I created it, so I can't change now. In a way I've made my own name I guess. As for the droid, I don't know. It would have to tell me its name."
He looked at the droid.
"Ya got a name?"
The droid looked at him and tilted its head.
"The one I had, has been long forgotten by now. You can create one for me."
Hawkin raised his eyebrows.
"You're kind of small. From my research, High Republic droids were one of a kind. You have the look of a BD model and the look of an EX droid. I'm fairly certain you can hover and scuttle around. Let me think. BD and EX. How about DEX? Yeah. That'll do nicely. Droid, how do you think of the name Dex? I think it's cool."
The droid tilted it's head again.
"I like it. Dex. I am your assistant now. Well, since my master has gone."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group


“That's a good name.” Calista smiled with a slight nod of approval, finding it interesting that the newly named Dex seemed to consider Hawkin its new master. Then again, Hawkin had been responsible for repairing Dex… in a way, it made sense that the two would get along. “So, Dex… Hawkin believes that you are from, what we call, the High Republic and I believe that we both have questions for you about that time.” she explained. “Including any information you can share about the Jedi back then… I’m sorry to say that there aren't very many of us left after the Empire tried to wipe us out.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

The droid whirred.
“Indeed. The High Republic is- was. A time of Renaissance. Creativity and peace. But now I can see that the world now is no longer like that. I have questions for you as well, but you asked first. What would you like to know about the Jedi? I have some memories, but not of everything. Most of my memories were erased after the attacks on the starlight beacon, and where I was put into hypersleep. I was only supposed to sleep for 30 years. But I can see it is not the year 200. But 5 aby. I was asleep for 235 years. Something must have gone terribly wrong.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Of course.” Calista nodded, understanding why Dex would have questions. Though she raised a brow at the phrase… name?… starlight beacon. “Perhaps I should answer your questions first. I’m mostly curious about the Jedi you remember in general… I want to learn what might have changed between them and the Jedi before the Empire took over.” she admitted. “As for the year… it has been changed at least twice recently. I’m sure the Empire had its own designation for years but I can't remember what it was… Anything before the High Republic is now called BBY: Before the Battle of Yavin, and presently we use ABY, as in After the Battle of Yavin, for current dates.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

The droid whirred again.
“What was the battle of Yavin? Was it similar to Starlight Beacon? Have the Nihil finally lost? Your Empire sounds horrible. Are we back to a republic? Or better yet, are we a democracy? And as for the Jedi, well, the boy looks more like them than you do. The colors of the high republic were bright. Gold, white, yellow, tan, colors that represent peace and purity. I can see the Jedi are not that way any longer. Am I correct in that assumption?”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista smiled patiently and took a seat near both Dex and Hawkin. “The Empire was horrible but the battle of Yavin is considered to be the final battle between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, because the Emperor and his right-hand man, Darth Vader, were killed in the explosion of the second Death Star. Without either of them to take control, the Empire fell into chaos and the Rebel Alliance became the New Republic.” she explained, answering more than one of the droid’s questions. Though she had no doubt she also opened several more. “Really?” She looked down at her dark brown robes before quickly looking back at what Hawkin was wearing, a little surprised by the fact that Dex didn't consider her outfit to fit with the image of a Jedi. “Well… my Master did wear tan under her outer robe but considering how the Empire was run by a Sith, and the fact that we were trying to survive a war… I guess I can't be too surprised that the clothes changed. Wearing something so colorful would cause us to stand out… and I think I remember an older Jedi teacher saying something about wearing simpler colors was to show a Jedi’s humility. That bright colors like yellow and gold would only show vanity.” she said thoughtfully. “As to your assumption, I’m afraid I don't really have a straight answer to give you. But if you could tell me about Starlight Beacon and the Nihil? Neither of those sound familiar to me.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

The droid emanated a low hum and watched as Calista looked at Hawkin.
“It’s not his outfit you’re looking at. Oh no no. He’s absolutely filthy.”
Hawkin let out a huff of aggravation. The droid continued.
“It’s the tattooed gold band across his nose. He’s Kiffar. They’ve been doing that tradition for eons. And which Jedi said that the colors were too flashy? If it was that little green friend looking Jedi, he didn’t like the colors because they never matched his skin tone. If I recall correctly, his name was Yoda or something. Never stuck me much as a grand master, he was just another Jedi. As for Starlight Beacon and the Nihil, I guess it can be compared to your empire and the imperials trying to take over the galaxy. I only know so much.”
The droid thought for a moment.
“Starlight Beacon, or just Starlight, was a space station constructed in the Outer Rim Territories during the High Republic. It was built on the Galactic Frontier. It was situated in the center of the Outer Rim's unexplored dark zones. The station's large size caused its construction to cost a great effort and expense. When the station was completed, it was noted that the region was difficult to navigate at the time. The station, launched in 232 BBY, acted as a beacon, sending out a signal that guided travelers, and boosted communication networks active in the Outer Rim. That is, until the Nihil attacked it and destroyed it. The Nihil were marauders. They had hyperspace paths that defied all known laws of hyperspace travel. They came in and, hating the Jedi and what they were doing, destroyed Starlight Beacon two years after it was built. I was then put into hyper sleep, and I’ve finally woken up. Judging by the lack of knowledge on the Nihil, as bad as it may sound, your horrible empire may have saved the galaxy in a way. By what you’ve told me, I can assume they wiped the Nihil out. And dare I say, good riddance. They were a pain. That’s all I can remember right now on Starlight Beacon. I’m sorry I couldn’t say more. Tell me more about your Jedi ways, and tell me more about the Star battles between the Empire and the Rebels. It sounds all very exciting.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista couldn't help but laugh as Dex called Master Yoda a friend but shook her head. “I'm sorry… I don't actually remember which teacher said that but it was not Grandmaster Yoda.” she smiled, trying not to laugh again. “I’d have to look into what's left of the archives to see when that thought became a tradition. And Master Yoda was head of the Jedi Council long before I was taken in.” she informed.
Calista hummed slightly as she listened to Dex's story. “I see… Starlight would have been very helpful if it hadn't been destroyed… but the Empire didn't even last twenty years and it's only been five since the New Republic was able to establish itself…” she told Dex, leaving the implication open.
“Well, what would you like to know about the Jedi of the Old Republic? Unfortunately, I can only tell you about the major battles between the Empire and the Alliance. I wasn't an active fighter in the war… I was in hiding for most of it, at least, until my Master died.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin spoke before the droid did.
“You were in hiding because you were a Jedi? Who was coming after you? Who was your master?”
The droid whirred.
“I too would like to know this information, as well as the ideals you master shared with you. As for mentioning an old republic, I can assume there’s two. One before my time and one after. Both had the fall of Jedi. Except one led to the high republic and one led to an empire. It’s fascinating to see how history repeats itself.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I agree. It is interesting.” Calista nodded at Dex’s last comment, already wondering what other similarities there were between the two historic events. “To answer your questions; my Master was Lira Voss and the Empire was hunting down and killing anyone with Force Sensitivity unless they agreed to work for the Empire and deal with those who wouldn't.” she sighed. “As I mentioned, the Emperor was a Sith, and a powerful one at that. So the best chance of defeating him was with the Jedi… or it would have been if not for the massacre at the Temple and the betrayal by the entire Army of the Republic.” she explained with a shudder as a memory flashed behind her eyes.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin reached out to touch Calista’s arm to sympathize with her. He knew what running and hiding from things could do. After all he was once a small child trying to live in the underbelly of Coruscant. But as soon as he touched her arm, he was thrown into her memories. There was screaming and running, and hiding, and the smells could have rivaled the inside of a hutt’s ship. Her memories were truly horrifying. He grimaced and pulled his arm back from Calista and cradled it.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista smiled softly at the assurance Hawkin was giving with the simple touch… but even during that brief moment, she felt something. She wasn't sure how to describe it at first until she realized, it was him. She jolted away from the touch at the same time he pulled back and looked at him in shock. “Hawkin… what did you just…” she trailed off, unsure how to finish her question.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

He rubbed his shoulder.
“This happens sometimes. I blame it on the fact that I’m around hyperfuel all day. I touch something and see memories. It’s not too big of an issue, because it’s mostly things from ships or droids, but I’ve never touched someone and seen something. Mainly because I’m in a shop all day. Around hyperfuel. So I just assume huffing fumes is what causes it.”
The droid whirred and looked at Hawkin and Calista. It spoke to Calista.
“It’s not a hyper fuel induced reaction. It’s something different, isn’t it?”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“No. It's not from hyperfuel.” Calista confirmed, in awe. “It's called a Force Echo or retrocognition. It means that you are gifted in the Force. I don't remember too many Jedi who had this ability especially since it is… was considered passive and not something that could be taught.” she explained to Hawkin.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“You have the potential to be.” Calista corrected, not necessarily disputing Dex’s comment. “If you wanted to be, you would have to be trained by a Master and be taught to avoid falling to the Dark Side… but it is possible.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin looked at Calista.
“I mean the receptionist did call you a master. So in technicality you are a Jedi master. Maybe you could teach me. Stars, I’d give anything to not work in the ship and mech shop anymore. I can only stand the smell of hyper fuel and do repetitive tasks for so long.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista rubbed her neck, slightly embarrassed, and shook her head. “Lorian was being generous. I’m only considered a Master because there’s so few Jedi left and I happen to live on Coruscant.” she tried to explain but she could almost feel a sense of disappointment from the Force. She sighed and her fingers brushed against a cool thin chain, bringing a particular phrase back to mind. She let out a soft chuckle and smirked. “Then again, Force knows when I’ll find another Force-sensitive who wants me to teach them. If you're serious, I would be honored to have you as my Padawan.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawking smiled.
“Oh stars yes I’m serious. And I’m sure Lorain was being honest. If it means I won’t have to fix another hutt ship making minimum credits, and get off this mess of a world, then yes. A hundred times yes. Maybe we can find and solve some mystery the galaxy has been trying to solve for centuries or something. We have Dex here. There’s gotta be something in those memory banks.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(First of all, I want to apologize for my sporadic response times today. Work was hectic. And secondly, this is a fair warning that I am in the theater so…)

Calist laughed a little but nodded. “With your gift, and Dex with us, it's very possible.” she agreed, before turning to the droid in question. “What do you say, Dex? Would you like to stick around with us and help us answer some old questions?”