forum Personal Sanders Sides: Into The Mind-Scape
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

What happens when your personal sides get sent into one mind-scape? Will friendships form? Or will rivalries? Find out in… Into The Mind-Scape.

Deleted user

Yup! I have to do some testing at the moment, but I will get a form up!


Name: Kate
Age: 17
Looks: Medium length brown hair, pale, blue eyes, smol, skinny, and requires glasses.
Personality: Intelligent, a dash of creativity, a dash of anxiety, ignores emotions, and logic over anything.
Side names and functions: Indi, Intellect; Audrey, Imagination; Eve, Emotions; Sasha, Anxiety

Deleted user

I'm going to be doing my own sides.

Name: Spearmint/ Lex
Age: 26
Looks: Lex has curly brown hair, swished to the side to cover their right eye, their eyes are brown and they have pale skin, freckles and are quite tall.
Personality: Sarcastic as fuck, though usually to shy to speak up so they usually keep it inside their head. They are quite smart and I have no clue how to describe myself.
Side names and functions: Logic, Paranoia, Anxiety, Creativity, Emotions.


Name: Lily
Age: 15
Looks: wavy brown mid length hair, porcelain skin tone, brown eyes, black and teal rectangle glasses, Steven Universe varsity jacket, black shirt with a red pixel heart, jeans, black ankle boots
Personality: Talkative, caring, protective, secretly hiding her insecurities, smart
Side names and functions: Eva (Logic), Emily (Anxiety), Faith (Morality), Diana (Creativity), Cozbi (Deceit)