forum Oumami Rp with @brave_soldier
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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rantaro kept snuggled kokishi " so, whats going on today ko?"


"That's gonna be fun…" He sighed. "Yeah, especially when the drama turns from fiction to reality…." He wasn't sure if he'd even be able to perform since he was stressed and overworked, though that was partially his own doing with how often he'd practice, on top of completely exhausted.. He hadn't even realized he said that out loud..


Noticing that Rantaro took it as a joke, he decided to go along with it. "Of course it will be! I made plans to make this play as immersive as possible! It will feel like it's real life!"


(I was wondering if you headcanoned Rantaro as gay- Lol)

"That doesn't exactly mean you're gay…unless you are…" He had no idea. "I mean, anything I know is just a rumor.."


"Again, anything I knew was from drama club's rumors. Seriously though, why do you keep kissing me?! Would you like it if I decided to make you blush constantly, because I will~"

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" you could try," he teased and kissed the other again, chuckling softly