forum Looking to RP Sanders Sides! (Virgil and Roman centric) (O/O)
Started by Anon

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I don't really have a favorite ship because I think they're all pretty cute, but I especially like Roman x Virgil.

x_ Limited cursing, aka none unless it advances the plot or seems like something the character would say in a specific situation. Thomas doesn't curse a bunch (at least, on camera), and I don't expect that the Sides would, either.
x_ The Dark Sides can come into play here, but not arbitrarily and it must be decided upon beforehand.
x_ Please, please don't ask to join unless you're willing to try your hardest to keep them in character! I'm not trying to be picky, I swear!

Other than that, I figure we can divide up the characters. I call Virgil though, sorry! I know pretty much the entire fandom feels like this, but he's my son and I love him.

x_ Logan / Logic
x_ Roman / Creativity (+)
x_ Patton / Morality
x_ Virgil / Anxiety — Anon
x_ (???) / Deceit
x_ Remus / Creativity (-)

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God, I'd love to do this…. looks at 800 billion unanswered RPs and realizing I'm really only doing fandom stuff and anything angsty you know what?
I still wanna do this. I can't decide between the trash goblin, trash goblin's brother, and Deceit tho tbh. Deceit? Good for angst. My favorite character hands down. A flirt. I ship him with anything that breathes. He's charismatic. I've adopted him. He's my dork snake son. I have a lot of weird headcanons that I could just yeet in there. Sympathetic Deceit in general. Drama nerd. He likes puns (did you think it would be just Patton? Don't you remember Thomas Standers?). He likes theatre and philosophy. He makes good points. He sheds light on the dark sides of the Light Sides, especially Patton. History between the nope rope and emo nightmare. Is just… cool.

Roman? Moves plot along. My second favorite boi of the light sides (I'm sorry my inner Disney Villain loves the Dark Sides. I loved Deedee from the start but Remus just really grew in me really fast). Creative drama nerd. Prinxiety. Gay boi. Sweetheart. Did I mention gay?

Remus? Trash goblin. Chaotic chaotic. Not good, evil, neutral, just chaotic chaotic. Wats deodorant and for some reason I crack up at that. Good for my dark soul. Has a decent sense of humor. Minor gore like whenever and I can get away with it. Nerdy chaotic friendship dynamic with Deciet.

And Logan? He's Logan guys, first choice of the Light Sides and of characters regardless of stature in end of uwu gays/chaos gays spectrum. He's his own boi. Crofters.

I dunno. Just… probably any of those four I guess? Maybe? Probs either Dee or Ro, but if I could play more than one… I still have no idea but this sounds fun.


I still wanna do this. I can't decide between the trash goblin, trash goblin's brother, and Deceit tho tbh.

Feel free to claim all three! Or if you want to trade out one for Logan or one of the others, that's totally fine, too! I'm good with role-playing any of them, but the fact is that there are six of them and two of us, so ideally we each rp three.

I figure once we choose the characters then we can set out a guideline of ships between them?

(sorry I took so long to respond—I lost the thread in my history and forgot to look for it until now…)

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Feel free to steal several parts. Playing. Multiple characters at once? Not my forte.


Eh, it was meant to be a one on one, but at this point I don't really mind. As long as I can rp Virgil, just go ahead and claim whoever you'd like?

@Sparky_Is_Extremely_Annoying_And_Proud has Remus, Roman and Deceit (if they want) and I have Virgil. If @PunsAndShips (love your name, btw) wants Patton, that's totally fine. If they also want Logan, that's cool, or else I'll rp him no problem.

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That sounds great. I can and will do Logan, but I’m not very good at being multiple characters.


If you want him, you can have him. Otherwise, I'm gonna go ahead and claim him so we can start. :)

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So I get the drama gay trio, @PunsAndShips gets the soft boi, @Caustic-Fraust-Is-Lonely gets the surreptitiously edgy boi and Anon gets the Very Edgy™ boi. Sounds awesome!


Hey, yeah, I'm here—sorry, something big came up and I've been too busy to respond.

Anyone know how they want to start?

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Noooo…. Not really, I'm not great with starters, sorry.


Virgil frowned at the apparent lack of noise in the mind palace, for once voluntarily wandering out of his room to check on the other traits.

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Patton didn’t really notice the silence. He was watching Thomas’ life, which was aggressively boring at the moment, and wondering if he could be doing more.


Hands in his hoodie pockets, Virgil inclined his head towards Patton. "Hey, Pat," he greeted, leaning against the back of the couch and peering through his fringe at the other side.

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"Hellooo, padre, hello darling emo! Tis I, Prince Roman, here to view you of your boredom on this lowly day!" Roman skidded into the room.