"As a mental exercise, I've often planned the murder of friends and colleagues," Sherlock Holmes, Sign of Three. BTW this is a roleplay off of the TV show, not the books, but if you read the books and want to play out one of those murders, the game is definitely on.
You'll need to know this story takes place shortly after The Hounds of Baskerville, but before the Reichenbach Fall. Please don't openly have John or Sherlock declare their love, that doesn't make sense for later. You can decide to be any of the original characters (Molly, Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, etc.) or you can be the villain (Moriarty or otherwise) or you can be the witnesses, the ones related to the victim, or even be the victim if you want to be a dead person.
If you are not going as one of the original characters, fill out one of these:
Relation to other Characters:
Role in Story: (Victim, officer, supporting, suspect)
Can I join? I have a kinda weird idea for a character that would fit in the Sherlockverse
May I be John? I kinda- well. I love him. :)
Please do! I'll play Sherlock if no one else wants to. I''l try to stay in character and solve it.
Can I be Sherlock? I love him, he's just adorable 24/7.
Yes, just fill out the stuff to be a dead person.
I have a kinda weird idea for a character that would fit in the Sherlockverse, do you mind if I use them?
Name: Lisbeth Harriet Drew
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Looks: https://31.media.tumblr.com/e636a60a69947f0e39287eb9f11a07fc/tumblr_inline_n15iozMofa1rey18c.jpg
Relation to other Characters: Has occasionlly met them when she finds a way to sneak into a crime scene
Role in Story: Supporting
Personality: Sweet, kind, curious, interested in things a lot of people find weird or scary, open, brave, polite unless you give her a reason not to be
Occupation: Student, part time runs a blog about different crimes that happen around the world, if and how they were solved, and her own ideas on cold cases and such
Other: She can't stand silence, and unless it's necessary to be silent, she'll always break it. She's been found via this method a few times
Name: Joseph White
Age: 48
Gender: Male
Looks: Bald, beer belly, green eyes, short, he had a double chin
Relation to other Characters: Has never met any of them before
Role in Story: Dead guy
Personality: Bold, outgoing, loud and drunk, if you're looking you'll find him in a pub with a beer in hand.
Occupation: Prison guard
Other: not sure
Name: Eleanor Porter
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Looks: Straight brown hair, bangs, dark green eyes, tall, thin frame, athletic, pale
Relation to other characters: Old friend of John Watson, hasn’t seen him in a long time
Role in story: Supporting/Suspect
Personality: Friendly, humorous, somewhat manipulative, outspoken, investigative
Occupation: Head chef
Other: N/A